heliocron 0.8.1

A simple program for calculating sunrise, sunset and related times, which can be integrated with cron to trigger other programs to run when these events occur
status = "actively-developed"
version = "0.4"

features = ["derive"]
version = "3"

version = "0.24.0"

version = "4"

features = ["derive"]
version = "1"

version = "1"

features = ["full"]
version = "1"

version = "0.1.2"

version = "0.5"
version = "2"

version = "2"

version = "1"

integration-test = []

authors = ["Michael Freeborn <michaelfreeborn1@gmail.com>"]
categories = ["command-line-utilities", "date-and-time"]
description = "A simple program for calculating sunrise, sunset and related times, which can be integrated with cron to trigger other programs to run when these events occur"
documentation = "https://github.com/mfreeborn/heliocron"
edition = "2021"
exclude = ["assets/"]
homepage = "https://github.com/mfreeborn/heliocron"
keywords = ["cron", "crontab", "sunrise", "unix", "scheduler"]
license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"
name = "heliocron"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/mfreeborn/heliocron"
resolver = "2"
version = "0.8.1"
codegen-units = 1
lto = "fat"
opt-level = 3