heed-types 0.8.0

The types used with the fully typed LMDB wrapper, heed

Types that can be used to serialize and deserialize types inside databases.

How to choose the right type to store things in this database? For specific types you can choose:

But if you want to store big types that can be efficiently deserialized then here is a little table to help you in your quest:

Available types Encoding type Decoding type allocations
[CowSlice] &[T] Cow<[T]> will allocate if memory is miss-aligned
[CowType] &T Cow<T> will allocate if memory is miss-aligned
[OwnedSlice] &[T] Vec<T> will always allocate
[OwnedType] &T T will always allocate
[UnalignedSlice] &[T] &[T] will never allocate because alignement is always valid
[UnalignedType] &T &T will never allocate because alignement is always valid