hecs 0.2.10

A fast, minimal, and ergonomic entity-component-system
name = "hecs"
version = "0.2.10"
description = "A fast, minimal, and ergonomic entity-component-system"
authors = ["Benjamin Saunders <ben.e.saunders@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0"
repository = "https://github.com/Ralith/hecs"
readme = "README.md"
keywords = ["ecs", "entity"]
categories = ["data-structures", "game-engines", "no-std"]

all-features = true

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

default = ["std"]
std = []
# Enables derive(Bundle)
macros = ["hecs-macros", "lazy_static"]

hecs-macros = { path = "macros", version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
hashbrown = { version = "0.7.0", default-features = false, features = ["ahash", "inline-more"] }
lazy_static = { version = "1.4.0", optional = true, features = ["spin_no_std"] }

bencher = "0.1.5"

name = "bench"
harness = false
required-features = ["macros"]

debug = true