heca-lib 0.1.1

Hebrew Calendar library.


heca-lib is a Hebrew <-> Gregorian converter library. It's the backend behind the heca program.


  1. Add to Cargo.toml:

    [dependencies] heca-lib = "*"

  2. Add the following to your crate root:

    extern crate heca_lib;

  3. Import the types:

    use heca_lib::*;


This library converts from Hebrew to Gregorian dates and back. You can get a HebrewDate either from a known Hebrew date or from a Gregorian date:

extern crate heca_lib;

use chrono::Utc;
use chrono::offset::TimeZone;
use heca_lib::{HebrewDate,HebrewMonth};


You can then get back a Gregorian date from this Hebrew Date.

extern crate heca_lib;

use chrono::Utc;
use chrono::offset::TimeZone;
use heca_lib::{HebrewDate,HebrewMonth};

assert_eq!(HebrewDate::from_ymd(5779,HebrewMonth::Tishrei,10).unwrap().to_gregorian(),Utc.ymd(2018, 9,18).and_hms(18,00,00));


  1. This library won't work for years before 3764 (4).
  2. This library is still unstable and the API may change at any time.
  3. I tested this library against hebcal for all Rosh Hashanas between 3764 and 9999 (4-6239). I also checked it for all Rosh Chodesh Adars in those years. However, I take no resposibility if you accidently keep Yom Tov on the wrong day!
  4. While this library works, there are still a few inefficienciess that need to be taken care of.
