heartbeats-simple-sys 0.2.0

FFI bindings to heartbeats-simple libraries

Simple Heartbeats Rust Bindings

The heartbeats-simple-sys crate provides declarations and linkage for the heartbeats-simple C libraries. Following the *-sys package conventions, the heartbeats-simple-sys crate does not define higher-level abstractions over the native heartbeats-simple library functions.

This project provides separate crates with bindings for the four heartbeats-simple libraries:

  • hbs-sys
  • hbs-acc-sys
  • hbs-pow-sys
  • hbs-acc-pow-sys

The top-level heartbeats-simple-sys crate re-exports bindings for all four.

The latest heartbeats-simple C libraries can be found at https://github.com/libheartbeats/heartbeats-simple.


In order to use the heartbeats-simple-sys crate, you should have the heartbeats-simple libraries installed to the system where they can be found by pkg-config.

If the libraries are not found, the build process will try to compile them.


Add heartbeats-simple-sys as a dependency in Cargo.toml:

heartbeats-simple-sys = "0.2"


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