heartbeat 0.0.1

A high-performance heartbeat client.



A high-performance heartbeat client to check pulse of TCP servers. It utilizes TCP's connection handshake mechanism without even sending a client payload so it doesn't flood a network with client payloads.


extern crate heartbeat;

use std::net::SocketAddr;
use heartbeat::PulseResult;

// a handler to handle the result of a heartbeat pulse
fn do_nothing(res: PulseResult) {
  match res {
      Ok(addr) => println!("found pulse for {:?}", addr),
      Err(addr) => println!("no pulse for {:?}", addr)

fn main() {
  let servers: Vec<SocketAddr> = ...;
  let freq_ms: u32 = 5 * 1000;
  let client = heartbeat::load(servers, do_nothing, freq_ms).unwrap();

It is designed to be simple and efficient to embed into your own application.


The TCP servers that you wish to check pulses of are added by specifying them in a TOML configuration file like this:

# Heartbeat.toml
servers = ["", ""]
frequency = 5000