heapless 0.3.6

`static` friendly data structures that don't require dynamic memory allocation
//! Compile fail tests
//! # `Send`-ness
//! Collections of `Send`-able things are `Send`
//! ```
//! use heapless::{RingBuffer, Vec};
//! use heapless::ring_buffer::{Consumer, Producer};
//! use heapless::consts::*;
//! struct IsSend;
//! unsafe impl Send for IsSend {}
//! fn is_send<T>() where T: Send {}
//! is_send::<Consumer<IsSend, U4>>();
//! is_send::<Producer<IsSend, U4>>();
//! is_send::<RingBuffer<IsSend, U4>>();
//! is_send::<Vec<IsSend, U4>>();
//! ```
//! Collections of non-`Send`-able things are *not* `Send`
//! ``` compile_fail
//! use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! use heapless::ring_buffer::Consumer;
//! use heapless::consts::*;
//! type NotSend = PhantomData<*const ()>;
//! fn is_send<T>() where T: Send {}
//! is_send::<Consumer<NotSend, U4>>();
//! ```
//! ``` compile_fail
//! use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! use heapless::ring_buffer::Producer;
//! use heapless::consts::*;
//! type NotSend = PhantomData<*const ()>;
//! fn is_send<T>() where T: Send {}
//! is_send::<Producer<NotSend, U4>>();
//! ```
//! ``` compile_fail
//! use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! use heapless::RingBuffer;
//! type NotSend = PhantomData<*const ()>;
//! fn is_send<T>() where T: Send {}
//! is_send::<RingBuffer<NotSend, [NotSend; 4]>>();
//! ```
//! ``` compile_fail
//! use std::marker::PhantomData;
//! use heapless::Vec;
//! type NotSend = PhantomData<*const ()>;
//! fn is_send<T>() where T: Send {}
//! is_send::<Vec<NotSend, [NotSend; 4]>>();
//! ```
//! # Freeze
//! Splitting a `RingBuffer` should invalidate the original reference.
//! ``` compile_fail
//! use heapless::RingBuffer;
//! let mut rb: RingBuffer<u8, [u8; 4]> = RingBuffer::new();
//! let (p, c) = rb.split();
//! rb.enqueue(0).unwrap();
//! ```