heaparray 0.1.4

Heap-allocated array with optional metadata field


This crate aims to give people better control of how they want to allocate memory, by providing a customizable way to allocate blocks of memory, that optionally contains metadata about the block itself.

It's suggested that you import the contents of this crate with use heaparray::*;, as a lot of the functionality of the structs in this crate are implemented through traits.


  • Arrays are allocated on the heap
  • Swap owned objects in and out with array.insert()


Creating an array:

use heaparray::*;
let len = 10;
let label = ();
let generator = |_label, idx| idx + 3;
let array = HeapArray::new(label, len, generator);

Indexing works as you would expect:

let d = array[i];
array[i] = 2;

Notably, you can take ownership of objects back from the container:

let owned_object = array.insert(0, replacement_object);

but you need to give the array a replacement object to fill its slot with.