hdt 0.0.12

Library for the Header Dictionary Triples (HDT) RDF compression format.
/// Four section dictionary.
use crate::dict_sect_pfc::ExtractError;
use crate::triples::Id;
use crate::ControlInfo;
use crate::DictSectPFC;
use std::io;
use std::io::{BufRead, Error, ErrorKind};
use thiserror::Error;

/// Position in an RDF triple.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum IdKind {
    /// IRI or blank node in the first position of a triple.
    /// IRI in the second position of a triple.
    /// IRI, blank node or literal in the third position of a triple.

/// Four section dictionary with plain front coding.
/// Dictionary with shared, subject, predicate and object sections.
/// Types specified as <http://purl.org/HDT/hdt#dictionaryFour>.
/// See <https://www.rdfhdt.org/hdt-internals/#dictionary>.
pub struct FourSectDict {
    /// The shared section contains URIs that occur both in subject and object position. Its IDs start at one.
    pub shared: DictSectPFC,
    /// URIs that only occur as subjects. Their IDs start at the last ID of the shared section + 1.
    pub subjects: DictSectPFC,
    /// The predicate section has its own separate numbering starting from 1.
    pub predicates: DictSectPFC,
    /// URIs and literals that only occur as objects . Their IDs start at the last ID of the shared section + 1.
    pub objects: DictSectPFC,

/// Designates one of the four sections.
pub enum SectKind {

/// Wraps an extraction error with additional information on which dictionary section it occurred in.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
#[error("four sect dict error id_to_string({id},IdKind::{id_kind:?}) in the {sect_kind:?} section, caused by {e}")]
pub struct DictErr {
    e: ExtractError,
    id: Id,
    id_kind: &'static IdKind,
    sect_kind: SectKind,

impl FourSectDict {
    /// Get the string value of a given ID of a given type.
    /// String representation of URIs, literals and blank nodes is defined in <https://www.w3.org/Submission/2011/SUBM-HDT-20110330/#dictionaryEncoding>>..
    pub fn id_to_string(&self, id: Id, id_kind: &'static IdKind) -> Result<String, DictErr> {
        let shared_size = self.shared.num_strings() as Id;
        let d = id.saturating_sub(shared_size);
        match id_kind {
            IdKind::Subject => {
                if id <= shared_size {
                    self.shared.extract(id).map_err(|e| DictErr { e, id, id_kind, sect_kind: SectKind::Shared })
                } else {
                    self.subjects.extract(d).map_err(|e| DictErr { e, id, id_kind, sect_kind: SectKind::Subject })
            IdKind::Predicate => {
                self.predicates.extract(id).map_err(|e| DictErr { e, id, id_kind, sect_kind: SectKind::Predicate })
            IdKind::Object => {
                if id <= shared_size {
                    self.shared.extract(id).map_err(|e| DictErr { e, id, id_kind, sect_kind: SectKind::Shared })
                } else {
                    self.objects.extract(d).map_err(|e| DictErr { e, id, id_kind, sect_kind: SectKind::Object })

    /// Get the string value of an ID.
    /// String representation of URIs, literals and blank nodes is defined in <https://www.w3.org/Submission/2011/SUBM-HDT-20110330/#dictionaryEncoding>>..
    pub fn string_to_id(&self, s: &str, id_kind: &IdKind) -> Id {
        let shared_size = self.shared.num_strings();
        match id_kind {
            IdKind::Subject => {
                let mut id = self.shared.string_to_id(s);
                if id == 0 {
                    id = self.subjects.string_to_id(s);
                    if id > 0 {
                        id += shared_size as Id;
            IdKind::Predicate => self.predicates.string_to_id(s),
            IdKind::Object => {
                let mut id = self.shared.string_to_id(s);
                if id == 0 {
                    id = self.objects.string_to_id(s);
                    if id > 0 {
                        id += shared_size as Id;

    /// Validates the checksums of all dictionary sections in parallel.
    /// Dict validation takes around 1200 ms on a single thread with an 1.5 GB HDT file on an i9-12900k.
    /// This function must NOT be called more than once.
    // TODO can this be simplified?
    pub fn validate(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        let sects = [&mut self.shared, &mut self.subjects, &mut self.predicates, &mut self.objects];
        let names = ["shared", "subject", "predicate", "object"];
        for i in 0..sects.len() {
            if !sects[i].crc_handle.take().unwrap().join().unwrap() {
                return Err(Error::new(
                    format!("CRC Error in {} dictionary section.", names[i]),

    pub fn read<R: BufRead>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> {
        use io::ErrorKind::InvalidData;
        let dict_ci = ControlInfo::read(reader)?;
        if dict_ci.format != "<http://purl.org/HDT/hdt#dictionaryFour>" {
            return Err(Error::new(InvalidData, "Implementation only supports four section dictionaries"));

        Ok(FourSectDict {
            shared: DictSectPFC::read(reader)?,
            subjects: DictSectPFC::read(reader)?,
            predicates: DictSectPFC::read(reader)?,
            objects: DictSectPFC::read(reader)?,
    pub fn translate_all_ids(&self, triple_ids: &[TripleId]) -> Vec<(String, String, String)> {
            .map(|id: &TripleId| {
                let subject = self.id_to_string(id.subject_id, IdKind::Subject).unwrap();
                let predicate = self.id_to_string(id.predicate_id, IdKind::Predicate).unwrap();
                let object = self.id_to_string(id.object_id, IdKind::Object).unwrap();
                (subject, predicate, object)
    pub fn size_in_bytes(&self) -> usize {
            + self.subjects.size_in_bytes()
            + self.predicates.size_in_bytes()
            + self.objects.size_in_bytes()

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::header::Header;
    use crate::tests::init;
    use crate::ControlInfo;
    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::io::BufReader;

    fn read_dict() {
        let file = File::open("tests/resources/snikmeta.hdt").expect("error opening file");
        let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
        ControlInfo::read(&mut reader).unwrap();
        Header::read(&mut reader).unwrap();

        let dict = FourSectDict::read(&mut reader).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(dict.shared.num_strings(), 43, "wrong number of strings in the shared section");
        assert_eq!(dict.subjects.num_strings(), 5, "wrong number of strings in the subject section");
        assert_eq!(dict.predicates.num_strings(), 23, "wrong number of strings in the predicates section");
        assert_eq!(dict.objects.num_strings(), 132, "wrong number of strings in the objects section");
        assert_eq!(dict.string_to_id("_:b1", &IdKind::Subject), 1);
        assert_eq!("http://www.snik.eu/ontology/meta/uses", dict.id_to_string(43, &IdKind::Subject).unwrap());
        assert_eq!("http://www.snik.eu/ontology/meta/Chapter", dict.id_to_string(3, &IdKind::Subject).unwrap());
            dict.id_to_string(5, &IdKind::Subject).unwrap()
        for id in 1..dict.shared.num_strings() {
            let s = dict.id_to_string(id, &IdKind::Subject).unwrap();
            let back = dict.string_to_id(&s, &IdKind::Subject);
            assert_eq!(id, back, "shared id {} -> subject {} -> id {}", id, s, back);

            let s = dict.id_to_string(id, &IdKind::Object).unwrap();
            let back = dict.string_to_id(&s, &IdKind::Object);
            assert_eq!(id, back, "shared id {} -> object {} -> id {}", id, s, back);
        for (sect, kind, name, offset) in [
            (&dict.subjects, &IdKind::Subject, "subject", dict.shared.num_strings()),
            (&dict.objects, &IdKind::Object, "object", dict.shared.num_strings()),
            (&dict.predicates, &IdKind::Predicate, "predicate", 0),
        ] {
            for id in offset + 1..offset + sect.num_strings() {
                let s = dict.id_to_string(id, kind).unwrap();
                let back = dict.string_to_id(&s, kind);
                assert_eq!(id, back, "{} id {} -> {} {} -> id {}", name, id, name, s, back);