Macro hdk::entry_def[][src]

macro_rules! entry_def {
    ( $t:ident $def:expr ) => { ... };
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Implements a whole lot of sane defaults for a struct or enum that should behave as an entry. All the entry def fields are available as dedicated methods on the type and matching From impls are provided for each. This allows for both Foo::entry_def() and EntryDef::from(Foo::new()) style logic which are both useful in different scenarios.

For example, the Foo::entry_def() style works best in the entry_defs callback as it doesn’t require an instantiated Foo in order to get the definition. On the other hand, EntryDef::from(Foo::new()) works better when e.g. using create_entry() as an instance of Foo already exists and we need the entry def id back for creates and updates.

If you don’t want to use the macro you can simply implement similar fns youself.

This is not a trait at the moment, it could be in the future but for now these functions and impls are just a loose set of conventions.

It’s actually entirely possible to interact with core directly without any of these. e.g. create_entry is just building a tuple of EntryDefId and Entry::App under the hood.

This requires that TryFrom and TryInto [ derive@SerializedBytes ] is implemented for the entry type, which implies that serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize is also implemented. These can all be derived and there is an attribute macro that both does the default defines.

e.g. the following are equivalent

#[hdk_entry(id = "foo", visibility = "private", required_validations = 6, )]
pub struct Foo;
#[derive(SerializedBytes, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Foo;
entry_def!(Foo EntryDef {
  id: "foo".into(),
  visibility: EntryVisibility::Private,