hdd 0.10.3

hdd: instruments for querying ATA and SCSI disks
# `hdd`: instruments for querying ATA and SCSI disks


This is [work in progress](#to-do).

## Why?

Mainly because I was disappointed in all the available options for putting SMART and SCSI log info into various monitoring systems.

* Scripts that parse `smartctl` output (usually with regexes) are slow, ugly, unreliable hacks.
* To add support for different, programming-friendly output format into `smartctl` (e.g. JSON), one basically needs to rewrite a lot of ad-hoc `printf`s scattered all over the source files, and it's not much easier if you decide to drop the idea of implementing some command-line switch in favour of simply changing the output format altogether. (Things are only getting more complex with `smartd`.)
* `libatasmart` (and tools that it powers) can only work with ATA devices, and only on Linux, and expecting more from that library is simply naïve.

## How?

### Prerequisites

This crate can be built on Rust >= 1.21.

### Building CLI tool

git clone https://github.com/vthriller/hdd-rs.git
cd hdd-rs
cargo build --release --features='bin serializable' --bin=hdd
sudo ./target/release/hdd /dev/sda attrs --json

([Sorry if that looks complicated.](https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1982))

You can build static binary if, say, you want it for remote GNU/Linux system that runs older version of glibc:

* install musl toolchain (e.g. via `rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`),
* append `--target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl` to the `cargo build` line.

### Using library in your code

Put this into your `Cargo.toml`:
hdd = "0.10"

## What's supported?

Platforms and transports:

* Linux: ATA¹, SCSI

SCSI/ATA translation is also supported.

¹ Note that in Linux, ATA is only supported through SAT, although SG_IO kindly emulates that for SATA (and, possibly, PATA?) disks for us.



## To Do

* Documentation.
* Tests.
* More tests.
* Even more tests: big-endian systems, old hardware…
* `rg 'TODO|FIXME|XXX|((?i)WTF)|unimplemented!|\b(unwrap|expect)\b' src sample-scsi/src build.rs`
* Feature parity with [insert your favourite package name here].
* Support for RAID weirdos (LSI, Adaptec, Areca, you name it) and USB bridges.
* Debugging options (think `smartctl -r ataioctl,2` or `skdump`) for CLI tool.
* More devices (smartmontools can query NVMe devices).
* More platforms (Windows, macOS, \*BSD, Redox…).

## Acknowledgements

Here goes [obligatory mention of smartmontools contributors](https://svn.code.sf.net/p/smartmontools/code/trunk/smartmontools/AUTHORS) who laid foundations of what this crate currently is.

## License

This crate is distributed under the terms of Mozilla Public License version 2.0.