hcloud 0.13.0

Unofficial Rust crate for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API
 * Hetzner Cloud API
 * Copied from the official API documentation for the Public Hetzner Cloud.
 * The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.12.0
 * Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech

/// AddTargetRequestIp : IP targets where the traffic should be routed through. It is only possible to use the (Public or vSwitch) IPs of Hetzner Online Root Servers belonging to the project owner. IPs belonging to other users are blocked. Additionally IPs belonging to services provided by Hetzner Cloud (Servers, Load Balancers, ...) are blocked as well.

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct AddTargetRequestIp {
    /// IP of a server that belongs to the same customer (public IPv4/IPv6) or private IP in a Subnetwork type vswitch.
    #[serde(rename = "ip")]
    pub ip: String,

impl AddTargetRequestIp {
    /// IP targets where the traffic should be routed through. It is only possible to use the (Public or vSwitch) IPs of Hetzner Online Root Servers belonging to the project owner. IPs belonging to other users are blocked. Additionally IPs belonging to services provided by Hetzner Cloud (Servers, Load Balancers, ...) are blocked as well.
    pub fn new(ip: String) -> AddTargetRequestIp {
        AddTargetRequestIp { ip }