hcloud 0.1.0

Unofficial Rust crate for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API

hcloud for Rust

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Unofficial Rust crate for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API


The hcloud crate can be used for managing the endpoints provided by the Hetzner Cloud API in your Rust project.

The API client code of this crate has been auto-generated from the Unofficial OpenAPI Description for the Hetzner Cloud API using OpenAPI Generator.

Current state of development

  • supported API endpoints (complete as of May 2020): actions, datacenters, floating_ips, images, isos, locations, networks, pricing, server_types, servers, ssh_keys, volumes
  • async/await is not supported yet: The crate currently uses the blocking version 0.9 of the reqwest crate for underlying HTTP access and is therefore not asynchronous. This is planned to be implemented after the new OpenAPI Generator version 5.x has been released, in which generating asynchronous Rust client code is supported.
  • documentation and tests are still WIP


A very basic example for listing all existing servers:

use hcloud::apis::client::APIClient;
use hcloud::apis::configuration::Configuration;

// set up basic configuration using API token
let mut configuration = Configuration::new();
configuration.bearer_access_token =

// create API client handle from configuration
let api_client = APIClient::new(configuration);

// get list of all existing servers from servers API
let servers = api_client
   .list_servers(None, None, None, None)?

// handle server data
for server in servers {
   println!("{:?}", server);


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