hc_roles_mixin 0.1.4

A crate to help hApps add roles to their DNA using the progenitor pattern


Generic holochain mixin to include administrator and dynamic roles in any holochain application, using the progenitor pattern.

This mixin is built to target hc v0.0.42-alpha3. It also depends on the holochain_anchors to be present and configured.

Known issue: due to updated entries not being propagated, this mixin won't actually work in a real environtment, since it depends on an update on the role entry to be propagated througout the network.


Here is the design for this mixin: https://hackmd.io/6xfwfSVYSGeZe3vQ_-1cWw?view.


Here you can find the documentation for this mixin: https://docs.rs/hc_roles_mixin.


Add the following to your zomes cargo toml.

holochain_anchors = "0.2.1"
hc_roles_mixin = "0.1.3"



Add the anchor entry definition to your zome.

fn anchor_def() -> ValidatingEntryType {

Add the roles entry definition to your zome.

fn roles_def() -> ValidatingEntryType {

In your init function, create the Admin role:

fn init() {

Create a role

To create a role, simply call the create_role function:

fn some_public_function() {
    let my_role_name = String::from("editor");


Assign a role

To assign a role, simply call the assign_role function:

fn some_other_public_function(agent_address: Address) {
    let my_role_name = String::from("editor");

    hc_roles_mixin::handlers::assign_role(&my_role_name, &agent_address)?;

Check if user has a certain role

To check if a user has a certain role, you can use the validation has_agent_role function:

validation: | _validation_data: hdk::EntryValidationData<MyEntry>| {
    match _validation_data {
        hdk::EntryValidationData::Create { entry, validation_data } => {
            let agent_address = &validation_data.sources()[0];
            let is_agent_permitted_to_create_this_entry = hc_roles_mixin::validaton::has_agent_role(&agent_address, String::from("editor"))?;

            if !is_agent_permitted_to_create_this_entry {
                return Err(String::from("Only editors can create a new entry"));

Unassign a role

To unassign a role, simply call the unassign_role function:

fn some_other_public_function(agent_address: Address) {
    let my_role_name = String::from("editor");

    hc_roles_mixin::handlers::unassign_role(&my_role_name, &agent_address)?;