hc-vault 0.2.2

A simple crate to interact with hashicorp's vault


A rust library to interact with hashicorp vault


Obtaining a new Session using approle-auth

let vault_url = "http://localhost:8200".to_string();
let role_id = "example-role-id".to_string();
let secret_id = "example-secret-id".to_string();

// Obtaining an Auth session, in this cause using approle
let approle_auth = match hc_vault::approle::Session::new(role_id, secret_id) {
	Err(e) => {
		println!("{}", e);
	Ok(a) => a,

let config = hc_vault::Config {
	vault_url: vault_url, // The client will use this vault url
	..Default::default() // Use the default values for everything else

// Obtaining a valid vault-session, 
// using the previously obtained Auth Session and config
let vault_client = match hc_vault::Client::new(config, approle_auth).await {
  Err(e) => {
    println!("{}", e);
  Ok(c) => c,
// Use vault_client for whatever you need to do