Module hbase_thrift::hbase

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  • An AlreadyExists exceptions signals that a table with the specified name already exists
  • A BatchMutation object is used to apply a number of Mutations to a single row.
  • An HColumnDescriptor contains information about a column family such as the number of versions, compression settings, etc. It is used as input when creating a table or adding a column.
  • An IOError exception signals that an error occurred communicating to the Hbase master or an Hbase region server. Also used to return more general Hbase error conditions.
  • An IllegalArgument exception indicates an illegal or invalid argument was passed into a procedure.
  • A Mutation object is used to either update or delete a column-value.
  • TAccessControlEntity for permission control
  • An Append object is used to specify the parameters for performing the append operation.
  • TCell - Used to transport a cell value (byte[]) and the timestamp it was stored with together as a result for get and getRow methods. This promotes the timestamp of a cell to a first-class value, making it easy to take note of temporal data. Cell is used all the way from HStore up to HTable.
  • Holds column name and the cell.
  • For increments that are not incrementColumnValue equivalents.
  • A TRegionInfo contains information about an HTable region.
  • Holds row name and then a map of columns to cells.
  • A Scan object is used to specify scanner parameters when opening a scanner.
  • Specify type of thrift server: thrift and thrift2


Type Aliases