haybale 0.7.2

Symbolic execution of LLVM IR, written in Rust
use crate::demangling::try_cpp_demangle;
use crate::error::Error;
use llvm_ir::module::{GlobalAlias, GlobalVariable};
use llvm_ir::types::{FPType, NamedStructDef, Type};
use llvm_ir::{Function, Module};
use log::{info, warn};
use rustc_demangle::demangle;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fs::DirEntry;
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;

/// A `Project` is a collection of LLVM code to be explored,
/// consisting of one or more LLVM modules.
pub struct Project {
    modules: Vec<Module>,
    pointer_size_bits: u32,

impl Project {
    /// Construct a new `Project` from a path to an LLVM bitcode file
    pub fn from_bc_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self, String> {
        info!("Parsing bitcode in file {}", path.as_ref().display());
        let module = Module::from_bc_path(path)?;
        Ok(Self {
            pointer_size_bits: get_ptr_size(&module),
            modules: vec![module],

    /// Construct a new `Project` from multiple LLVM bitcode files
    pub fn from_bc_paths<P>(paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = P>) -> Result<Self, String>
        P: AsRef<Path>,
        info!("Parsing bitcode from specified files");
        let (modules, ptr_sizes): (Vec<Module>, Vec<u32>) = paths
            .map(|p| Module::from_bc_path(p.as_ref()))
            .map(|r| {
                r.map(|m| {
                    let ptr_size = get_ptr_size(&m);
                    (m, ptr_size)
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?
        let mut ptr_sizes = ptr_sizes.into_iter();
        let pointer_size_bits = ptr_sizes
            .expect("Project::from_bc_paths: at least one path is required");
            ptr_sizes.all(|size| size == pointer_size_bits),
            "Project::from_bc_paths: modules have conflicting pointer sizes"
        Ok(Self {

    /// Construct a new `Project` from a path to a directory containing
    /// LLVM bitcode files.
    /// All files in the directory which have the extension `extn` will
    /// be parsed and added to the `Project`.
    /// Panics if there are no files in the directory with that extension.
    pub fn from_bc_dir(path: impl AsRef<Path>, extn: &str) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
        info!("Parsing bitcode from directory {}", path.as_ref().display());
        let (modules, pointer_size_bits) = Self::modules_from_bc_dir(path, extn, |_| false)?;
        Ok(Self {

    /// Construct a new `Project` from a path to a directory containing LLVM
    /// bitcode files.
    /// All files in the directory which have the extension `extn`, except those
    /// for which the provided `exclude` closure returns `true`, will be parsed
    /// and added to the `Project`.
    /// Panics if there are no files in the directory with that extension, or if
    /// they were all excluded.
    pub fn from_bc_dir_with_blacklist(
        path: impl AsRef<Path>,
        extn: &str,
        exclude: impl Fn(&Path) -> bool,
    ) -> Result<Self, io::Error> {
            "Parsing bitcode from directory {} with blacklist",
        let (modules, pointer_size_bits) = Self::modules_from_bc_dir(path, extn, exclude)?;
        Ok(Self {

    /// Add the code in the given LLVM bitcode file to the `Project`
    pub fn add_bc_path(&mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), String> {
        info!("Parsing bitcode in file {}", path.as_ref().display());
        let module = Module::from_bc_path(path)?;
            "Modules have conflicting pointer sizes"

    /// Add the code in the given directory to the `Project`.
    /// See [`Project::from_bc_dir()`](struct.Project.html#method.from_bc_dir).
    pub fn add_bc_dir(&mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>, extn: &str) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
        info!("Parsing bitcode from directory {}", path.as_ref().display());
        let (modules, pointer_size_bits) = Self::modules_from_bc_dir(path, extn, |_| false)?;
            pointer_size_bits, self.pointer_size_bits,
            "Modules have conflicting pointer sizes"

    /// Add the code in the given directory, except for blacklisted files, to the `Project`.
    /// See [`Project::from_bc_dir_with_blacklist()`](struct.Project.html#method.from_bc_dir_with_blacklist).
    pub fn add_bc_dir_with_blacklist(
        &mut self,
        path: impl AsRef<Path>,
        extn: &str,
        exclude: impl Fn(&Path) -> bool,
    ) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
            "Parsing bitcode from directory {} with blacklist",
        let (modules, pointer_size_bits) = Self::modules_from_bc_dir(path, extn, exclude)?;
            pointer_size_bits, self.pointer_size_bits,
            "Modules have conflicting pointer sizes"

    /// Get the pointer size used by the `Project`, in bits.
    /// E.g., this will be `64` if the LLVM bitcode was compiled for a 64-bit platform.
    pub fn pointer_size_bits(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Iterate over all `Function`s in the `Project`.
    /// Gives pairs which also indicate the `Module` the `Function` is defined in.
    pub fn all_functions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&Function, &Module)> {
            .map(|m| m.functions.iter().zip(std::iter::repeat(m)))

    /// Iterate over all `GlobalVariable`s in the `Project`.
    /// Gives pairs which also indicate the `Module` the `GlobalVariable` comes from.
    pub fn all_global_vars(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&GlobalVariable, &Module)> {
            .map(|m| m.global_vars.iter().zip(std::iter::repeat(m)))

    /// Iterate over all `GlobalAlias`es in the `Project`.
    /// Gives pairs which also indicate the `Module` the `GlobalAlias` comes from.
    pub fn all_global_aliases(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&GlobalAlias, &Module)> {
            .map(|m| m.global_aliases.iter().zip(std::iter::repeat(m)))

    /// Iterate over all named struct types in the `Project`.
    /// Gives triplets `(name, NamedStructDef, Module)` which indicate the struct's name,
    /// definition, and which module the definition comes from.
    pub fn all_named_struct_types(
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&String, &NamedStructDef, &Module)> {
            .map(|m| {
                    .map(move |name| (name, m.types.named_struct_def(name).unwrap(), m))

    /// Get the names of the LLVM modules which have been parsed and loaded into
    /// the `Project`
    pub fn active_module_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &String> {
        self.modules.iter().map(|m| &m.name)

    pub(crate) fn module_source_file_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &String> {
        self.modules.iter().map(|m| &m.source_file_name)

    /// Search the project for a function with the given name.
    /// If a matching function is found, return both it and the module it was
    /// found in.
    /// For projects containing C++ or Rust code, you can pass either the mangled
    /// or demangled function name (fully qualified with namespaces/modules).
    /// If you have a `State` handy, you may want to use
    /// `state.get_func_by_name()` instead, which will get the appropriate
    /// (potentially module-private) definition based on the current LLVM module.
    pub fn get_func_by_name<'p>(&'p self, name: &str) -> Option<(&'p Function, &'p Module)> {
        let mut retval = None;
        for module in &self.modules {
            if let Some(f) = module.get_func_by_name(name) {
                match retval {
                    None => retval = Some((f, module)),
                    Some((_, retmod)) => panic!("Multiple functions found with name {:?}: one in module {:?}, another in module {:?}", name, retmod.name, module.name),
        if retval.is_some() {
            return retval;
        // if we get to this point, we haven't found the function normally; maybe we were
        // given a Rust demangled name
        for module in &self.modules {
            if let Some(f) = module
                .find(|func| demangle(&func.name).to_string() == name)
                match retval {
                    None => retval = Some((f, module)),
                    Some((_, retmod)) => panic!("Multiple functions found with demangled name {:?}: one in module {:?}, another in module {:?}", name, retmod.name, module.name),
        if retval.is_some() {
            return retval;
        // if we get to this point, we still haven't found the function; try
        // stripping the trailing hash value from the Rust mangled name
        for module in &self.modules {
            if let Some(f) = module
                .find(|func| format!("{:#}", demangle(&func.name)) == name)
                match retval {
                    None => retval = Some((f, module)),
                    Some((_, retmod)) => panic!("Multiple functions found with demangled name {:?}: one in module {:?}, another in module {:?}", name, retmod.name, module.name),
        if retval.is_some() {
            return retval;
        // if we get to this point, we still haven't found the function;
        // maybe we were given a C++ demangled name
        for module in &self.modules {
            if let Some(f) = module
                .find(|func| try_cpp_demangle(&func.name).as_deref() == Some(name))
                match retval {
                    None => retval = Some((f, module)),
                    Some((_, retmod)) => panic!("Multiple functions found with demangled name {:?}: one in module {:?}, another in module {:?}", name, retmod.name, module.name),

    /// Get the definition of the named struct with the given name.
    /// Returns both the definition, and the module that definition was found in.
    /// Returns `Err` if neither a definition nor declaration for a named struct
    /// type with the given name was found anywhere in the `Project`.
    /// If the named struct type is defined in multiple modules in the `Project`,
    /// this returns one of them arbitrarily. However, it will only return
    /// `NamedStructDef::Opaque` if _all_ definitions are opaque; that is, it will
    /// attempt to return some non-opaque definition if one exists, before
    /// returning an opaque definition.
    pub fn get_named_struct_def<'p>(
        &'p self,
        name: &str,
    ) -> crate::Result<(&'p NamedStructDef, &'p Module)> {
        let mut retval: Option<(&'p NamedStructDef, &'p Module)> = None;
        for module in &self.modules {
            if let Some(def) = module.types.named_struct_def(name) {
                match (retval, def) {
                    (None, def) => retval = Some((def, module)), // first definition we've found: this is the new candidate to return
                    (Some(_), NamedStructDef::Opaque) => {}, // this is an opaque definition, and we previously found some other definition (opaque or not); do nothing
                    (Some((NamedStructDef::Opaque, _)), def @ NamedStructDef::Defined(_)) => {
                        retval = Some((def, module)) // found an actual definition, replace the previous opaque definition
                    (Some((NamedStructDef::Defined(ty1), retmod)), NamedStructDef::Defined(ty2)) => {
                        // duplicate non-opaque definitions: ensure they completely agree
                        if ty1 != ty2 {
                            // if they don't agree, we merely warn rather than panicking.
                            // For instance, if the struct contains an anonymous union as one of its members,
                            // duplicate definitions of the struct will appear to conflict due to the
                            // anonymous union being numbered differently in the two modules, even if the
                            // union has the same contents in both modules.
                            warn!("Multiple named struct types found with name {:?}: the first was from module {:?}, the other was from module {:?}.\n  First definition: {:?}\n  Second definition: {:?}\n  We will (arbitrarily) use the first one.", name, retmod.name, module.name, ty1, ty2);
                        // then we'll do nothing, leaving (arbitrarily) the first definition we found
                        } else {
                            // do nothing, leaving (arbitrarily) the first definition we found
        retval.ok_or_else(|| Error::OtherError(format!("Trying to get definition of named struct {:?} which is neither defined nor even declared anywhere in the Project", name)))

    /// Get the size of the `Type`, in bits.
    /// Accounts for the `Project`'s pointer size and named struct definitions.
    /// Note that some types have size 0 bits, and this may return `Some(0)`.
    /// Returns `None` for structs which have no definition in the entire `Project`,
    /// or for structs/arrays/vectors where one of the elements is a struct with no
    /// definition in the entire `Project`.
    pub fn size_in_bits(&self, ty: &Type) -> Option<u32> {
        match ty {
            Type::IntegerType { bits } => Some(*bits),
            Type::PointerType { .. } => Some(self.pointer_size_bits()),
            Type::FPType(fpt) => Some(Self::fp_size_in_bits(*fpt)),
            #[cfg(feature = "llvm-11-or-greater")]
            Type::VectorType { scalable: true, .. } => panic!("size_in_bits: scalable vectors are not supported"),
            Type::ArrayType {
            | Type::VectorType {
            } => {
                let num_elements: u32 = (*num_elements).try_into().unwrap();
                self.size_in_bits(&element_type).map(|s| s * num_elements)
            Type::StructType { element_types, .. } => {
                element_types.iter().map(|ty| self.size_in_bits(ty)).sum()
            Type::NamedStructType { name } => match self.get_named_struct_def(name).ok()? {
                (NamedStructDef::Opaque, _) => None,
                (NamedStructDef::Defined(ty), _) => self.size_in_bits(&ty),
            Type::VoidType => Some(0),
            ty => panic!("Not sure how to get the size of {:?}", ty),

    /// Get the size of the `FPType`, in bits
    pub fn fp_size_in_bits(fpt: FPType) -> u32 {
        match fpt {
            FPType::Half => 16,
            #[cfg(feature = "llvm-11-or-greater")]
            FPType::BFloat => 16,
            FPType::Single => 32,
            FPType::Double => 64,
            FPType::FP128 => 128,
            FPType::X86_FP80 => 80,
            FPType::PPC_FP128 => 128,

    /// Returns the modules and the pointer size.
    fn modules_from_bc_dir(
        path: impl AsRef<Path>,
        extn: &str,
        exclude: impl Fn(&Path) -> bool,
    ) -> Result<(Vec<Module>, u32), io::Error> {
        let path = path.as_ref();
        // warning, we use both `Iterator::map` and `Result::map` in here, and it's easy to get them confused
        let (modules, ptr_sizes): (Vec<Module>, Vec<u32>) = path
            .filter(|entry| match entry_is_dir(entry) {
                Some(true) => false, // filter out if it is a directory
                Some(false) => true, // leave in the ones that are non-directories
                None => true,        // also leave in errors, because we want to know about those
            .map(|entry| entry.map(|entry| entry.path()))
            .filter(|path| match path {
                Ok(path) => match path.extension() {
                    Some(e) => e == extn && !exclude(path),
                    None => false, // filter out if it has no extension
                Err(_) => true, // leave in errors, because we want to know about those
            .map(|path| {
                path.and_then(|path| {
                    Module::from_bc_path(path).map_err(|s| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, s))
            .map(|r| {
                r.map(|m| {
                    let ptr_size = get_ptr_size(&m);
                    (m, ptr_size)
            .collect::<Result<Vec<(Module, u32)>, _>>()?
        if modules.is_empty() {
            panic!("No files found in {:?} with extension {:?}; or all were excluded", path, extn);
        let mut ptr_sizes = ptr_sizes.into_iter();
        let pointer_size_bits = ptr_sizes.next().expect("at least one path is required");
            ptr_sizes.all(|size| size == pointer_size_bits),
            "modules have conflicting pointer sizes"
        Ok((modules, pointer_size_bits))

    /// For testing only: construct a `Project` directly from a `Module`
    pub(crate) fn from_module(module: Module) -> Self {
        Self {
            pointer_size_bits: get_ptr_size(&module),
            modules: vec![module],

/// Returns `Some(true)` if the entry is a directory, `Some(false)` if the entry
/// is not a directory, and `None` if there was an I/O error in trying to make
/// the determination, or if the original `entry` was an `Err`.
fn entry_is_dir(entry: &io::Result<DirEntry>) -> Option<bool> {
    match entry {
        Ok(entry) => entry.file_type().map(|ft| ft.is_dir()).ok(),
        Err(_) => None,
    // one-liner for this function:
    // entry.as_ref().ok().and_then(|entry| entry.file_type().map(|ft| ft.is_dir()).ok())

/// Extracts the pointer size from an LLVM module
fn get_ptr_size(module: &Module) -> u32 {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn single_file_project() {
        let proj = Project::from_bc_path("tests/bcfiles/basic.bc")
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to create project: {}", e));
        assert_eq!(proj.pointer_size_bits(), 64);
        let (func, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&func.name, "no_args_zero");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/basic.bc");

    fn double_file_project() {
        let proj = Project::from_bc_paths(&["tests/bcfiles/basic.bc", "tests/bcfiles/loop.bc"])
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to create project: {}", e));
        assert_eq!(proj.pointer_size_bits(), 64);
        let (func, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&func.name, "no_args_zero");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/basic.bc");
        let (func, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&func.name, "while_loop");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/loop.bc");

    fn whole_directory_project() {
        let proj = Project::from_bc_dir("tests/bcfiles", "bc")
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to create project: {}", e));
        assert_eq!(proj.pointer_size_bits(), 64);
        let (func, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&func.name, "no_args_zero");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/basic.bc");
        let (func, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&func.name, "while_loop");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/loop.bc");

    fn whole_directory_project_with_blacklist() {
        let proj = Project::from_bc_dir_with_blacklist("tests/bcfiles", "bc", |path| {
            path.file_stem().unwrap() == "basic"
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to create project: {}", e));
        assert_eq!(proj.pointer_size_bits(), 64);
            .expect("Failed to find function while_loop, which should be present");
        assert!(proj.get_func_by_name("no_args_zero").is_none(), "Found function no_args_zero, which is from a file that should have been blacklisted out");

    fn project_for_32bit_target() {
        let proj = Project::from_bc_path("tests/bcfiles/32bit/issue_4.bc")
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to create project: {}", e));
        assert_eq!(proj.pointer_size_bits(), 32);
        let (_, module) = proj
            .expect("Failed to find function");
        assert_eq!(&module.name, "tests/bcfiles/32bit/issue_4.bc");