haybale-pitchfork 0.4.1

Verifying constant-time code with symbolic execution
name = "haybale-pitchfork"
version = "0.4.1"
authors = ["Craig Disselkoen <craigdissel@gmail.com>"]
edition = "2018"
description = "Verifying constant-time code with symbolic execution"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/haybale-pitchfork"
repository = "https://github.com/PLSysSec/haybale-pitchfork"
readme = "README.md"
keywords = ["constant-time", "symbolic", "llvm", "SMT"]
license = "MIT"

boolector = "0.4.2"
haybale = "0.7.1"
llvm-ir = "0.8.1"
log = "0.4"
lazy_static = "1.4"
colored = "2.0"
itertools = "0.10"
either = "1.6"
chrono = "0.4"
env_logger = "0.9"
log4rs = { version = "1.0", optional = true, default-features = false, features = ["file_appender", "simple_writer", "pattern_encoder", "threshold_filter"] }
crossterm = { version = "0.22.0", optional = true }
anyhow = { version = "1.0", optional = true }

default = ["progress-updates"]

# Select the LLVM version to be compatible with.
# You _must_ enable exactly one of the following features.
llvm-9 = ["haybale/llvm-9", "llvm-ir/llvm-9"]
llvm-10 = ["haybale/llvm-10", "llvm-ir/llvm-10"]
llvm-11 = ["haybale/llvm-11", "llvm-ir/llvm-11"]
llvm-12 = ["haybale/llvm-12", "llvm-ir/llvm-12"]
llvm-13 = ["haybale/llvm-13", "llvm-ir/llvm-13"]

# These features select the corresponding LLVM version, and require an exact
# match between the system LLVM version and the LLVM version chosen here. For
# more information, see the "strict-versioning" feature on `llvm-sys`.
llvm-9-strict = ["llvm-9", "haybale/llvm-9-strict", "llvm-ir/llvm-9-strict"]
llvm-10-strict = ["llvm-10", "haybale/llvm-10-strict", "llvm-ir/llvm-10-strict"]
llvm-11-strict = ["llvm-11", "haybale/llvm-11-strict", "llvm-ir/llvm-11-strict"]
llvm-12-strict = ["llvm-12", "haybale/llvm-12-strict", "llvm-ir/llvm-12-strict"]
llvm-13-strict = ["llvm-13", "haybale/llvm-13-strict", "llvm-ir/llvm-13-strict"]

# If you enable this, Cargo will automatically download and build Boolector as
# part of the build process.  If you don't enable this, Cargo will look for a
# system install of Boolector as a shared library.
vendor-boolector = ["haybale/vendor-boolector", "boolector/vendor-lgl"]

# For convenience, these automatically-enabled features allow us to avoid
# checking complex combinations of features all the time. They are not meant to
# be manually enabled; use the above llvm-x features instead
llvm-9-or-greater = []
llvm-10-or-greater = ["llvm-9-or-greater"]
llvm-11-or-greater = ["llvm-10-or-greater"]
llvm-12-or-greater = ["llvm-11-or-greater"]
llvm-13-or-greater = ["llvm-12-or-greater"]

llvm-9-or-lower = ["llvm-10-or-lower"]
llvm-10-or-lower = ["llvm-11-or-lower"]
llvm-11-or-lower = ["llvm-12-or-lower"]
llvm-12-or-lower = ["llvm-13-or-lower"]
llvm-13-or-lower = []

# This feature enables the `progress_updates` option in `PitchforkConfig`.
# For more details, see the documentation of that option.
progress-updates = ["log4rs", "crossterm", "anyhow"]

# Generate docs.rs documentation with the llvm-10 feature
features = ["llvm-10"]