hashlru 0.7.1

HashLRU is an experimental LRU cache.


HashLRU is an experimental LRU cache implemented in Rust.

It tries to follow the API exposed by a standard Rust HashMap while enforcing a limited memory footprint by limiting the number of keys using the LRU strategy, which is a quite common cache replacement policy.

HashLRU icon


For now this is a toy project, clearly NOT suitable for production use.

There are many other libraries you could use instead:

  • lru is faster, and has support for mutable iterators, among other things. See doc and source.
  • cached comes with batteries included, has support for many other features than just LRU. See doc and source.

It is written in 100% safe rust code, and as it uses only a HashMap to store data, and no RefCell or pointer or anything, it deals rather nicely with being shared between threads, moved, etc.

Here is a quick bench done on a 100k items map:

$ cargo bench
    Finished bench [optimized] target(s) in 0.03s
     Running unittests src/lib.rs (target/release/deps/benches-cc4ef79ee8fe94e4)

running 6 tests
test tests::bench_read_usize_hashlru  ... bench:          41 ns/iter (+/- 10)
test tests::bench_read_usize_hashmap  ... bench:          14 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test tests::bench_read_usize_lru      ... bench:          10 ns/iter (+/- 2)
test tests::bench_write_usize_hashlru ... bench:         114 ns/iter (+/- 22)
test tests::bench_write_usize_hashmap ... bench:          65 ns/iter (+/- 13)
test tests::bench_write_usize_lru     ... bench:          24 ns/iter (+/- 5)

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 6 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 24.36s

Those results are not super reliable, just a one-chost test ran on a laptop. However there is a tendency: hashlru is the slowest, lru performs best (probably because it keeps the number of items below 100k) and standard hashmap is in between.

Proof this is a toy project.

Build Status


use hashlru::Cache;

let mut lru = Cache::new(4);
lru.insert("key1", 10);
lru.insert("key2", 20);
lru.insert("key3", 30);
lru.insert("key4", 40);
lru.insert("key5", 50);
// key1 has been dropped, size is limited to 4
assert_eq!("key2", lru.lru().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(&20), lru.get(&"key2"));
// getting key2 has made key3 the least recently used item
assert_eq!("key3", lru.lru().unwrap());
assert_eq!(Some(&40), lru.get(&"key4"));
// getting key4 makes it the most recently used item
assert_eq!("[key3: 30, key5: 50, key2: 20, key4: 40]", format!("{}", lru));



HashLRU is licensed under the MIT license.