[][src]Crate hashed_permutation

This crate implements an algorithm that performs zero-cost permutations and shuffling on a range of numbers.

This method, discovered by Andrew Kensler in 2013, uses bit-twiddling to permute a range of numbers, from [0..n) without needing to mutate state or store the whole range of numbers. It is extremely efficient, with no memory overhead (i.e. you don't have to store the whole range of numbers).

This is effectively the same as taking some vector of numbers from [0..n), randomly shuffling each element, and then calling the nth index of that vector. Kensler's algorithm offers a way to achieve the same effect, except we don't need to store a whole vector for that range of numbers.

Example Usage

Using this library is fairly simple:

use std::num::NonZeroU32;

let perm = HashedPermutation {
    seed: 1234,
    length: NonZeroU32::new(10).unwrap(),

// Let's pick a randomly permuted number
let permuted_number = perm.shuffle(0).unwrap();


You can also use this structure as an iterator to iterate through a permuted set from (0..n).

use std::num::NonZeroU32;

// Loop from (0..10) in a shuffled set
let mut iterator = HashedIter::new_with_seed(NonZeroU32::new(10).unwrap(), 100);

for i in iterator {
    println!("{}", i);

This library also provides optional support for the failure crate. If you want to use failure, simply add the "failure-crate" dependency in your Cargo manifest.

hashed-permutation = { version = "2.0.0", features = ["failure-crate"] }



An iterator that allows you to iterate over a sequence of permuted numbers with O(1) space.


The HashedPermutation struct stores the initial seed and length of the permutation vector. In other words, if you want to shuffle the numbers from 0..n, then length = n.



The different types of errors that can arise from this crate

Type Definitions


A permutation result, which is simply an alias for any type that could return a permutation error.