hash-trie 0.1.0

Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) Immutable Set Implementation


HashTrie currently provides containers based on Hash Array Mapped Tries (HAMT). They are concurrency and functional programming friendly. While the data structures are immutable, the vast majority of memory is shared between instances as they are modified.

HashTrieSet implements a hash set. Here's a quick usage example.

use hash_trie::HashTrieSet;
use std::{borrow::Cow, collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher};

let mut hash_set: HashTrieSet<u64, String, DefaultHasher> = HashTrieSet::new();
let hello_world: String = "Hello, world!".into();

hash_set = hash_set.insert(Cow::Borrowed(&hello_world)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*hash_set.insert(Cow::Borrowed(&hello_world)).unwrap_err(), hello_world);

assert_eq!(*hash_set.find(&hello_world).unwrap(), hello_world);

match hash_set.remove(&hello_world) {
    Ok((mutated, reference)) => {
        println!("Value stored in hash_set: {}", reference);
        hash_set = mutated;
    Err(_) => panic!(),