[][src]Module hash_roll::gzip

gzip (forks) rsyncable mode that uses a simple window accumulator

WARNING: not validated against gzip or rsyncrypto algorithms. Output may change to fix bugs

A widely distributed patch for gzip adds a --rsyncable flag which causes gzip to split it's input on "stable" boundaries. This module impliments the algorithm used in that patch.

The same algorithm is used by the rsyncrypto project.

  • No maximum block size is provided.
  • No minimum block size is provided.

PDF of block sizes: ???

Note that the defacto-standard parameters allow a slightly more efficient check for a block split (by replacing a modulus with a bitwise-and). This impl currently doesn't allow that optimization even if you provide appropriate parameters (we need type-level integers for that).


  • window-len: The maximum number of bytes to be examined when deciding to split a block. set to 8192 by default in gzip-rsyncable & rsyncrypto)
  • modulus: set to half of window-len (so, 4096) in gzip-rsyncable & rsyncrypto.

In-block state:

  • window of window-len bytes (use of the iterator interface means we also track more bytes than this)
  • sum (u64)

Between-block state:

  • none


  • http://rsyncrypto.lingnu.com/index.php/Algorithm
  • https://www.samba.org/~tridge/phd_thesis.pdf

S(n) = sum(c_i, var=i, top=n, bottom=n-8196)

A(n) = S(n) / 8192

H(n) = S(n) mod 4096

Trigger splits when H(n) == 0



Parameters for defining the gzip rsyncable algorithm


Provides an incremental interface to GzipRsyncable


Intermediate state for [GzipRsyncable::find_chunk_edge]