handlers 0.7.1

A plugin for generating systems of event handlers
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A simple compiler plugin for generating systems of event handlers.


To generate a system, use the handlers_define_system! macro:

handlers_define_system! <system name> {
    [*: <trait bounds>]
    <handler name>[: <trait bounds>] {
        <signal>(<args>) => <slot>;

This defines a system struct, an object trait, and a handler trait for each defined handler in the system. The system will have each signal as a method, which will call the appropriate slot for each object of that handler type it contains. The object trait is special, and is used to convert each object in the system to the correct trait type. If any of the optional trait bounds are given, then the respective trait (object or handler) will require any implementers to also implement these bounds. To add objects to the system, implement whatever handlers you want and then use the handlers_impl_object! macro to provide the correct object trait implementation:

handlers_impl_object! <system name> {
    <object name>: <handler name>, ...

To see a better usage example, see the test folder in this repository.