handlebars 0.30.0-beta.2

Handlebars templating implemented in Rust.

Rust templating with [Handlebars templating language](https://handlebarsjs.com).

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[![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](./LICENSE)

## Getting Started

### Quick Start

extern crate handlebars;
extern crate serde_json;

use handlebars::Handlebars;

fn main() {
    let mut reg = Handlebars::new();
    // render without register
        reg.template_render("Hello {{name}}", &json!({"name": "foo"}))

    // register template using given name
    reg.register_template_string("tpl_1", "Good afternoon, {{name}}")
    println!("{}", reg.render("tpl_1", &json!({"name": "foo"})).unwrap());

Note that I use `unwrap` here which is not recommended in your real code.

### Code Example

If you are not familiar with [handlebars language
syntax](https://handlebarsjs.com), it is recommended to walk through
their introduction first.

Check `render` example in the source tree. The example shows you how

* Create a `Handlebars` registry and register the template from files;
* Create a custom Helper with closure or struct implementing
 `HelperDef`, and register it;
* Define and prepare some data;
* Render it;

Run `cargo run --example render` to see results.
(or `RUST_LOG=handlebars=info cargo run --example render` for logging

Checkout `examples/` for more concrete demos of current API.

From 0.26, [Serde](https://serde.rs/) JSON is the default type system
for this library. The data you pass to handlebars template must
implements the `Serialize` trait. Note that we don't actually
serialize data to JSON string, we just use the JSON type: number,
boolean and etc.

Rustc_serialize is now officially deprecated. If your application is
still using it, you need to use handlebars-rust `0.25.*`.

## Documents


## Changelog

Change log is available in the source tree named as `CHANGELOG.md`.

## Why (this) Handlebars?

Handlebars is a real-world templating system that you can use to build
your application without pain.

### Features

#### Isolation of Rust and HTML

This library doesn't attempt to use some macro magic to allow you to
write your template within your rust code. I admit that it's fun to do
that but it doesn't fit real-world use case.

#### Limited but essential control structure built-in

Only essential control directive `if` and `each` were built-in. This
prevents you to put too much application logic into your template.

#### Extensible helper system

You can write your own helper with Rust! It can be a block helper or
inline helper. Put you logic into the helper and don't repeat

A helper can be as a simple as a Rust function like:

fn hex_helper (h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, rc: &mut RenderContext) -> Result<(), RenderError> {
    // just for example, add error check for unwrap
    let param = h.param(0).unwrap().value();
    let rendered = format!("0x{:x}", param.as_u64().unwrap());

/// register the helper
handlebars.register_helper("hex", Box::new(hex_helper));

And using it in your template:

{{hex my_value}}

#### Template inheritance

Every time I look into a templating system, I will investigate its
support for [template

Template include is not sufficient for template reuse. In most case
you will need a skeleton of page as parent (header, footer, etc.), and
embed you page into this parent.

You can find a real example for template inheritance in
`examples/partials.rs`, and templates used by this file.

#### WebAssembly compatible

You can use this handlebars implementation in your rust project that
compiles to WebAssembly. Checkout my fork of
[todomvc](https://github.com/sunng87/rust-todomvc) demo.

### Limitations

* This implementation is **not fully compatible** with the original
  javascript version. Specifically, mustache list iteration and null
  check doesn't work. But you can use `#each` and `#if` for same
* You will need to make your data `Serializable` on serde. We don't
  actually serialize data into JSON string or similar. However, we use
  JSON data type system in template render process.

### Handlebars-js features supported in Handlebars-rust

* Expression / Block Helpers
* Built-in helpers
  * each
  * if
  * with
  * lookup
  * log
* Custom helper
* Parameter and hashes for helper, block params
* Partials, include, template inheritance
* Omitting whitespace with `~`
* Subexpression `{{(foo bar)}}`
* Json expression `a.b.[0]` and `a.b.[c]`
* RawHelper syntax `{{{{raw-helper}}}}...{{{{/raw-helper}}}}`
* Decorator, implemented in Rust way

### JavaScript implementation features we don't have

* Mustache block (use `if`/`each` instead)
* Chained else

Feel free to report an issue if you find something broken. We aren't
going to implement all features of handlebars-js, but we should have a
workaround for cases we don't support.

## Handlebars for Web Frameworks

* Iron: [handlebars-iron]https://github.com/sunng87/handlebars-iron
* Rocket: [rocket/contrib]https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html

## Using handlebars-rust?

Add your project to our

## License

This library (handlebars-rust) is open sourced under MIT License.

## Contact

[Ning Sun](https://github.com/sunng87) (sunng@about.me)