handle-error 0.1.0

An error handling helper macro to avoid the constant if let Err(e) pattern


An error handling / bubbling macro to reduce rust error handling boilerplate.

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For a given fallible expression (expression returning a result), such as:

fn do_something() -> Result<(), E> {
    // ....

This can be used as follows:

extern crate log;

extern crate handle_error;

fn main() -> Result<(), E> {
  let v = handle_error!(do_something(), "Failed to do something");

Replacing the common patterns:

extern crate log;

// Match case where we care about the ok value
fn example_one() -> Result<(), E> {
  let v = match do_something() {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(e) => {
      error!("Failed to do something");
      return Err(e);


// If let where we do not care about the ok value
fn example_two() -> Result<(), E> {
  if let Err(e) = do_something() {
    error!("Failed to do something");
    return Err(e);
