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The Sinsemilla hash function.


  • Chip implementations for the Sinsemilla gadgets.
  • Gadgets for implementing a Merkle tree with Sinsemilla.
  • Implementation of Sinsemilla outside the circuit.


  • Gadget representing a domain in which $\mathsf{SinsemillaCommit}$ and $\mathsf{SinsemillaShortCommit}$ can be used.
  • A domain in which $\mathsf{SinsemillaHashToPoint}$ and $\mathsf{SinsemillaHash}$ can be used.
  • A message to be hashed.
  • A message piece with a bitlength of some multiple of K.


  • Trait allowing circuit’s Sinsemilla CommitDomains to be enumerated.
  • Trait allowing circuit’s Sinsemilla HashDomains to be enumerated.
  • The set of circuit instructions required to use the Sinsemilla gadget. This trait is bounded on two constant parameters: K, the number of bits in each word accepted by the Sinsemilla hash, and MAX_WORDS, the maximum number of words that a single hash instance can process.