halo2_gadgets 0.2.0

Reusable gadgets and chip implementations for Halo 2
use super::super::{add, EccPoint};
use super::{COMPLETE_RANGE, X, Y, Z};
use crate::utilities::{bool_check, ternary};

use halo2_proofs::{
    circuit::{Region, Value},
    plonk::{Advice, Column, ConstraintSystem, Constraints, Error, Expression, Selector},

use pasta_curves::pallas;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Config {
    // Selector used to constrain the cells used in complete addition.
    q_mul_decompose_var: Selector,
    // Advice column used to decompose scalar in complete addition.
    pub z_complete: Column<Advice>,
    // Configuration used in complete addition
    add_config: add::Config,

impl Config {
    pub(super) fn configure(
        meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<pallas::Base>,
        z_complete: Column<Advice>,
        add_config: add::Config,
    ) -> Self {

        let config = Self {
            q_mul_decompose_var: meta.selector(),



    /// Gate used to check scalar decomposition is correct.
    /// This is used to check the bits used in complete addition, since the incomplete
    /// addition gate (controlled by `q_mul`) already checks scalar decomposition for
    /// the other bits.
    fn create_gate(&self, meta: &mut ConstraintSystem<pallas::Base>) {
        // | y_p | z_complete |
        // --------------------
        // | y_p | z_{i + 1}  |
        // |     | base_y     |
        // |     | z_i        |
        // https://p.z.cash/halo2-0.1:ecc-var-mul-complete-gate
            "Decompose scalar for complete bits of variable-base mul",
            |meta| {
                let q_mul_decompose_var = meta.query_selector(self.q_mul_decompose_var);
                // z_{i + 1}
                let z_prev = meta.query_advice(self.z_complete, Rotation::prev());
                // z_i
                let z_next = meta.query_advice(self.z_complete, Rotation::next());

                // k_{i} = z_{i} - 2⋅z_{i+1}
                let k = z_next - Expression::Constant(pallas::Base::from(2)) * z_prev;
                // (k_i) ⋅ (1 - k_i) = 0
                let bool_check = bool_check(k.clone());

                // base_y
                let base_y = meta.query_advice(self.z_complete, Rotation::cur());
                // y_p
                let y_p = meta.query_advice(self.add_config.y_p, Rotation::prev());

                // k_i = 0 => y_p = -base_y
                // k_i = 1 => y_p = base_y
                let y_switch = ternary(k, base_y.clone() - y_p.clone(), base_y + y_p);

                    [("bool_check", bool_check), ("y_switch", y_switch)],

    pub(super) fn assign_region(
        region: &mut Region<'_, pallas::Base>,
        offset: usize,
        bits: &[Value<bool>],
        base: &EccPoint,
        x_a: X<pallas::Base>,
        y_a: Y<pallas::Base>,
        z: Z<pallas::Base>,
    ) -> Result<(EccPoint, Vec<Z<pallas::Base>>), Error> {
        // Make sure we have the correct number of bits for the complete addition
        // part of variable-base scalar mul.
        assert_eq!(bits.len(), COMPLETE_RANGE.len());

        // Enable selectors for complete range
        for row in 0..COMPLETE_RANGE.len() {
            // Each iteration uses 2 rows (two complete additions)
            let row = 2 * row;
            // Check scalar decomposition for each iteration. Since the gate enabled by
            // `q_mul_decompose_var` queries the previous row, we enable the selector on
            // `row + offset + 1` (instead of `row + offset`).
            self.q_mul_decompose_var.enable(region, row + offset + 1)?;

        // Use x_a, y_a output from incomplete addition
        let mut acc = EccPoint { x: x_a.0, y: y_a.0 };

        // Copy running sum `z` from incomplete addition
        let mut z = {
            let z = z.copy_advice(
                || "Copy `z` running sum from incomplete addition",

        // Store interstitial running sum `z`s in vector
        let mut zs: Vec<Z<pallas::Base>> = Vec::with_capacity(bits.len());

        // Complete addition
        for (iter, k) in bits.iter().enumerate() {
            // Each iteration uses 2 rows (two complete additions)
            let row = 2 * iter;

            // | x_p | y_p | x_qr  | y_qr  | z_complete |
            // ------------------------------------------
            // | U_x | U_y | acc_x | acc_y | z_{i + 1}  | row + offset
            // |acc_x|acc_y|acc+U_x|acc+U_y| base_y     |
            // |     |     | res_x | res_y | z_i        |

            // Update `z`.
            z = {
                // z_next = z_cur * 2 + k_next
                let z_val = z.value() * Value::known(pallas::Base::from(2))
                    + k.map(|k| pallas::Base::from(k as u64));
                let z_cell =
                    region.assign_advice(|| "z", self.z_complete, row + offset + 2, || z_val)?;

            // Assign `y_p` for complete addition.
            let y_p = {
                let base_y = base.y.copy_advice(
                    || "Copy `base.y`",
                    row + offset + 1,

                // If the bit is set, use `y`; if the bit is not set, use `-y`
                let y_p =
                        .map(|(base_y, k)| if !k { -base_y } else { base_y });

                // Assign the conditionally-negated y coordinate into the cell it will be
                // used from by both the complete addition gate, and the decomposition and
                // conditional negation gate.
                // The complete addition gate will copy this cell onto itself. This is
                // fine because we are just assigning the same value to the same cell
                // twice, and then applying an equality constraint between the cell and
                // itself (which the permutation argument treats as a no-op).
                region.assign_advice(|| "y_p", self.add_config.y_p, row + offset, || y_p)?

            // U = P if the bit is set; U = -P is the bit is not set.
            let U = EccPoint {
                x: base.x.clone(),
                y: y_p,

            // Acc + U
            let tmp_acc = self
                .assign_region(&U, &acc, row + offset, region)?;

            // Acc + U + Acc
            acc = self
                .assign_region(&acc, &tmp_acc, row + offset + 1, region)?;
        Ok((acc, zs))