Module half_edge_mesh::mesh [] [src]



Half-Edge Mesh data structure While it's possible to create non-triangular faces, this code assumes triangular faces in several locations mesh.edges, mesh.vertices, and mesh.faces are HashMaps containing reference-counted Pointers to the mesh contents. Usually, these Rc values are the last values to exist. When they are destroyed, the pointed-to contents are destroyed as well. Vertex, edge, and face ids are mesh-specific and unique only within a certain mesh Integer overflow is undefined in Rust, but checked in debug builds. I think this means that it's possible to generate the same id twice, after 232-1 ids have been made. Try not to make more than 232-1 of any one of them, stuff might get messed up. TODO: Better error reporting, using a custom error type See also: Probably should do it whenever faces are added or a vertex is modified ? TODO: Better way of updating face-specific data like center and normals