hakuban 0.7.2

Data-object sharing library
#![allow(clippy::tabs_in_doc_comments)] //because "cargo fmt" keeps replacing comment spaces with tabs, despite "format_code_in_doc_comments=false"

Hakuban is a data-object sharing library.
Check out the [README](https://gitlab.com/yunta/hakuban/-/blob/main/README.md) file if you haven't been there yet.

Hakuban is a simple mechanism which allows exposing data-objects in some processes, and observing them in other processes.
Hakuban takes care of all the boring details of data transmission, synchronization, object lifetime management, load balancing etc.

At a high level the API can be divided into 6 parts:
* Network management: [LocalExchange], [WebsocketListener](tokio_runtime::WebsocketListener), [WebsocketConnector](tokio_runtime::WebsocketConnector)
* Descriptors ("rich labels" for objects and tags): [ObjectDescriptor], [TagDescriptor]
* Object and tag contracts: [ObjectObserveContract], [ObjectExposeContract], [TagObserveContract], [TagExposeContract]
* Object state access: [ObjectState], [ObjectStateStream], [ObjectStateSink]
* [FFI](ffi), WASM
* Other modules and structures, exposed to enable tests and custom transports implementation: [message], [RemoteExchange](exchange::RemoteExchange)

# Concepts

An __object__ is a basic unit of share-able data.
Objects can be [observed](ObjectObserveContract) and/or [exposed](ObjectExposeContract) by processes.
Every object is uniquely identified by a set of __tags__ and a single json object[^1]. Such unique identifier is represented by the [ObjectDescriptor] struct.

There is no API to access objects directly.
Instead, object state can be retrieved and asserted through [ObjectStateStream]s and [ObjectStateSink]s obtained from observe/expose contracts.

A __tag__ represents a set of __objects__.
Process holding a [TagObserveContract] declares interest in observing all existing objects tagged with that tag.
Likewise, process holding a [TagExposeContract] declares capability to expose any and all existing objects tagged with that tag.
Every tag is uniquely identified by a json object[^1]. Represented by the [TagDescriptor] struct.

Tags are not meant to represent data model level collections.
They are merely wildcards for declaring observe/expose contracts for objects of yet-unknown [ObjectDescriptor]s. `TODO: explain with an example`

To exchange object data, processes can connect to each other in a tree topology.
Processes (exchanges) at the leaf-end of the tree will only receive data relevant to them.
[LocalExchange] struct represents local hakuban exchange's state.
It is the main access point to the hakuban network. It allows building contracts and access to exchange-wide events.
(There is [exchange::RemoteExchange] struct too, but it should not be needed outside of custom network transport implementations. Look at tokio.rs if you want to do that.)

`TODO: explain how single exposer is picked and assigned for each object`

[^1]: any valid json really, string, array, number, etc.

# Example

# use hakuban::prelude::*;
# use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
# use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
# tokio_test::block_on(async {
let exchange = LocalExchange::builder().build();
let mut observe_contract = exchange.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).observe();
let mut expose_contract = exchange.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).expose();

tokio::spawn(async move {
	//ExposeContract emits ObjectStateSink when first observer appears
	let mut object_state_sink = expose_contract.next().await.unwrap();
	let object_state = ObjectState::new("my data").json_serialize();

tokio::spawn(async move {
	//ObserveContract emits ObjectStateStream when exposer uploads first ObjectState
	let mut object_state_stream = observe_contract.next().await.unwrap();
	let object_state = object_state_stream.next().await.unwrap().json_deserialize::<String>();
	println!("{:?}", object_state.data);
# });

# Connecting somewhere

Start the `hakuban-router` (binary built by this lib), and following 2 processes. Order doesn't matter, they will happily wait for each other ❤️.
The A and B processes will communicate through the `hakuban-router` instance.

You can also make them communicate directly, by making one of them create a [tokio_runtime::WebsocketListener] instead of the [tokio_runtime::WebsocketConnector].

You should not have more than one WebsocketConnector running at the same time in a single process, to keep the network tree-shaped[^2], other graphs are not supported.

[^2]: unless you make sure there is no overlap in object and tag descriptors visible on the other side of both connections

Process A:
# use hakuban::prelude::*;
# use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
# use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
# tokio_test::block_on(async {
let exchange = LocalExchange::builder().build();
let _upstream = WebsocketConnector::new(exchange.clone(), "ws://")?;
let mut observe_contract = exchange.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).observe();

let object_state = observe_contract.next().await.unwrap().next().await.unwrap();
println!("{:?}", object_state.data);
# Ok::<(),Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
# });

Process B:
# use hakuban::prelude::*;
# use futures_util::stream::StreamExt;
# use futures_util::sink::SinkExt;
# tokio_test::block_on(async {
let exchange = LocalExchange::builder().build();
let _upstream = WebsocketConnector::new(exchange.clone(), "ws://")?;
let mut expose_contract = exchange.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).expose();

let object_state = ObjectState::new("🦀").json_serialize();
let mut object_state_sink = expose_contract.next().await.unwrap();

//waiting for Process A to receive the goods and exit
while object_state_sink.next().await.is_some() {};
# Ok::<(),Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
# });

# Cargo feature flags
* `default`: `["tokio-runtime"]`
* `tokio-runtime`: enables compilation of tokio.rs, the only runtime&network transport implemented so far. You'll need it if you want to communicate with other processes.
* `musl`: allows building statically-linked binaries: `cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release --features musl`
# FFI / so

Check out documentation of the [ffi] module.

# Included binaries

There is one binary built by this crate - the `hakuban-router`.
It's basically a WebsocketListener surrounded by "main".
It accepts connections and will naturally route hakuban communication, like every other hakuban process with WebsocketListener would.



* bugs to fix
	* LockCheck declarations are missing drop calls

* features
	* everything listed in the README/roadmap
	* gap-less expose handover
	* avoid resending descriptors
	* error!() in ffi functions, before better error handling gets implemented

* clean-up
	* check if error returns in ffi don't cut through allocations
	* de arc-ify selfs where possible
	* merge *contract.rs into a single file
	* ensure all structs hashable by pointers are Pin - or rather stop hashing by pointers
	* C-NEWTYPE: use struct DataVersion(Vec<i64>);  instead of type =, etc.
	* C-DEBUG: implement debug on all public types
	* make diff caching smarter
	* dbg # format should be replaced with introspection mechanism
	* add wake(), and all FFI calls to LockCheck, to figure out which ffi calls can deadlock on GILs

* consider
	* can expose contract and observe contract be structs instead of traits? enums instead of dyns?
	* maybe get rid of million hashbrown monomorphizations
	* all "cores" could be wrappers with Pin<Arc<*Internal>> inside, to ensure id() method stability
	* batch-lock
	* split "links" into multiple locks
	* rate limiting
	* periodic rebalance
	* drop multiple-tags-per-object support in favour of exactly-one-tag-per-object (groups, possibly tree-structured)
	* rewrite protocol to explicitly control remote side interface lifetimes
	* json_(de)serialize on stream
	* checksum data
	* data signing

* bindings


mod channel;
mod contract;
mod descriptor;
mod diff;
mod expose_contract;
mod observe_contract;

pub mod exchange;
#[cfg(feature = "ffi")]
pub mod ffi;
pub mod format;
pub mod message;
pub mod object;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod tag;
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
pub mod tokio_runtime;
#[cfg(feature = "wasm")]
pub mod wasm;

pub use descriptor::*;
pub use exchange::local::LocalExchange;
pub use format::{JsonDeserializeState, JsonSerializeState};
pub use object::{DataBytes, DataFormat, DataSynchronized, DataVersion, ObjectExposeContract, ObjectObserveContract, ObjectState, ObjectStateSink, ObjectStateStream};
pub use tag::{TagExposeContract, TagObserveContract};
#[cfg(feature = "tokio-runtime")]
pub use tokio_runtime::WebsocketConnector;