hakuban 0.5.0

Data-object sharing library
# Hakuban

Convenient data-object sharing library.

Are you tired of handling all the little details of propagating object states? 
Computing differences, serialization, network propagation (timeouts, keep-alives, ...), somehow catching-up on reconnection, 
load balancing object production, event delivery, object lifetime control etc. **Hakuban does all of that for you.** 

For details on structs, modules, cargo feature flags, event handling, etc. head on to [documentation]().

If you feel you may need something slightly different, there is a list of similar projects at the end of this document.

## Features
Some of Hakuban's features and properties:
- Only the difference is propagated over the network when an object changes. Compressed by default.
- Automatically handles re-synchronization on connection loss and regain.
- Object identifiers are "rich" (json), not just strings. So, for example, complex user-defined search filter on a web page, expressed as json, can directly act as an identifier of the object holding results of that search.
- Object can belong to zero or more tags, which function as wildcards for exposing or observing unknown objects.
- Supports tree network topology, with leafs happily unaware of anything not relevant to them.
- Nodes on all levels can observe and expose alike, unlike in most database/graphql-centric solutions.
- At most one exposer is selected for each object to keep it up to date. With load balancing.
- Thread-safe core, works with async and sync code, delivers events as streams, iterators or callbacks.
- Core is not bound to any specific async-runtime. First implemented network transport uses websockets on tokio.
- Allows use of custom de/serializers, uses serde by default.
- Can be compiled to .so, has ruby binding (ffi), and wasm binding in the near future.

It's **not** meant for and **won't** do: message passing, remote function calls, synchronous "calls" (request-response), allow explicit target addressing, be a work-queue, allow "consuming" objects, work directly with any database.

## Usage example
let hakuban = hakuban::LocalNode::builder().build();
let observe = hakuban.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).observe::<String>();

std::thread::spawn(move || {
	let expose = hakuban.object((["some-tag"],"xxx")).expose();

for _event in observe.changes() {
	if let Some(data) = observe.object_data()? {
		println!("{}", data);

For more examples check out the `examples` directory, and [documentation]().

## Related projects

### [Ruby binding]

Hakuban ruby ffi binding.

### Hakuban webapp router 
`(TODO: add url)`

Webapp router, with following properties:
* Every link is open-in-new-tab compatible, and copy-link compatible
* Short urls, optionally exposing selected state variables
* All urls are shareable
* State can be bigger than what fits in a url (as long as it's built progresively)
* Works while offline/disconnected (no url shortening then)

### Schedy
`(TODO: add url)`

Task queue/scheduler. Aware of resource preparation time. Resources owned and resources required by task are graph-structured.

### MechaTouch
`(TODO: add url)`

Commercial (aka. shameless plug) robotic ui-testing platform.

## Roadmap
Not ordered by priority:
- wasm binding
- preloading/side loading
- avoid object flicker on short disconnections
- message filter for auth* and auditing
- make event pipeline elements destructible
- congestion control
- expose introspection/statistics objects

## License

Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more information.

## Contact

To get help, praise the author(s), laugh at problems of others, or just hang around observing progress - join hakuban's matrix channel [#hakuban:matrix.org](matrix:r/hakuban:example.org)

If you're looking for more intimate contact, talk to `yunta` - on matrix [@yunta:mikoton.com](matrix:u/yunta:mikoton.com), or email yunta@mikoton.com.

## Similar projects

The list does not contain change- or message- focused projects, nor projects with integrated database. Hopefully. It's surprisingly difficult to figure out what some of those actually do:
* [Redis]https://redis.io
* [Ably]https://ably.com/
* [Fluvio]https://www.fluvio.io/
* [deepstream]https://deepstream.io/
* [nhost]https://nhost.io/
* [zenoh]https://zenoh.io/ 
* just diffing, if you don't need the network and lifetime control parts:
	* [serde-diff]https://github.com/amethyst/serde-diff
	* [dipa]https://github.com/chinedufn/dipa
	* [deltoid]https://github.com/jjpe/deltoid