h3o 0.3.0

A Rust implementation of the H3 geospatial indexing system.
//! Bit twiddling.

use super::IndexMode;
use crate::{
    coord::CoordIJK, Direction, Edge, Resolution, Vertex, CCW, CW,
use std::{cmp, num::NonZeroU8};

/// Offset (in bits) of the mode in an H3 index.
const MODE_OFFSET: usize = 59;
const MODE_MASK: u64 = 0b1111 << MODE_OFFSET;

/// Offset (in bits) of the cell edge in an H3 index.
const EDGE_OFFSET: usize = 56;
const EDGE_MASK: u64 = 0b111 << EDGE_OFFSET;

/// Offset (in bits) of the cell vertex in an H3 index.
const VERTEX_OFFSET: usize = 56;
const VERTEX_MASK: u64 = 0b111 << VERTEX_OFFSET;

/// The bit offset of the resolution in an H3 index.
const RESOLUTION_OFFSET: u64 = 52;
// Bitmask to select the resolution bits in an H3 index.

/// Offset (in bits) of the base cell in an H3 index.
const BASE_CELL_OFFSET: u64 = 45;
// Bitmask to select the base cell bits in an H3 index.
const BASE_CELL_MASK: u64 = 0b111_1111 << BASE_CELL_OFFSET;

// Bitmask to select the directions bits in an H3 index.
pub const DIRECTIONS_MASK: u64 = 0x0000_1fff_ffff_ffff;

/// Returns the H3 index mode  bits.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub const fn get_mode(bits: u64) -> u8 {
    ((bits & MODE_MASK) >> MODE_OFFSET) as u8

/// Clears the H3 index mode bits.
pub const fn clr_mode(bits: u64) -> u64 {
    bits & !MODE_MASK

/// Sets the H3 index mode bits.
pub const fn set_mode(bits: u64, mode: IndexMode) -> u64 {
    clr_mode(bits) | ((mode as u64) << MODE_OFFSET)

/// Returns the H3 index cell edge bits.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub const fn get_edge(bits: u64) -> u8 {
    ((bits & EDGE_MASK) >> EDGE_OFFSET) as u8

/// Sets the H3 index mode bits.
pub fn set_edge(bits: u64, edge: Edge) -> u64 {
    clr_edge(bits) | (u64::from(edge) << EDGE_OFFSET)

/// Clears the H3 index cell edge bits.
pub const fn clr_edge(bits: u64) -> u64 {
    bits & !EDGE_MASK

/// Returns the H3 index cell vertex bits.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub const fn get_vertex(bits: u64) -> u8 {
    ((bits & VERTEX_MASK) >> VERTEX_OFFSET) as u8

/// Sets the H3 index mode bits.
pub fn set_vertex(bits: u64, vertex: Vertex) -> u64 {
    clr_vertex(bits) | (u64::from(vertex) << VERTEX_OFFSET)

/// Clears the H3 index cell vertex bits.
pub const fn clr_vertex(bits: u64) -> u64 {
    bits & !VERTEX_MASK

/// Returns the H3 index resolution.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub const fn get_resolution(bits: u64) -> Resolution {
    // SAFETY: the masking restricts the value on 4 bits (thus 0-15).
        ((bits & RESOLUTION_MASK) >> RESOLUTION_OFFSET) as u8,

/// Clears the H3 index resolution bits.
pub const fn clr_resolution(bits: u64) -> u64 {

/// Sets the H3 index resolution bits.
pub fn set_resolution(bits: u64, resolution: Resolution) -> u64 {
    clr_resolution(bits) | (u64::from(resolution) << RESOLUTION_OFFSET)

/// Returns the H3 index base cell bits.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub const fn get_base_cell(bits: u64) -> u8 {
    ((bits & BASE_CELL_MASK) >> BASE_CELL_OFFSET) as u8

/// Sets the H3 index base cell bits.
pub fn set_base_cell(bits: u64, cell: u8) -> u64 {
    (bits & !BASE_CELL_MASK) | (u64::from(cell) << BASE_CELL_OFFSET)

/// Returns the H3 index direction bits at the given resolution.
#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Cast safe thx to masking.
pub fn get_direction(bits: u64, resolution: Resolution) -> u8 {
    ((bits & resolution.direction_mask()) >> resolution.direction_offset())
        as u8

/// Clears the H3 index direction at the given resolution.
pub fn clr_direction(bits: u64, resolution: Resolution) -> u64 {
    bits & !resolution.direction_mask()

/// Set the H3 index direction bits at the given resolution.
pub fn set_direction(bits: u64, cell: u8, resolution: Resolution) -> u64 {
    (bits & !resolution.direction_mask())
        | (u64::from(cell) << resolution.direction_offset())

/// Sets unused directions in an H3 index at the given resolution.
pub fn set_unused(bits: u64, resolution: Resolution) -> u64 {
    let unused_end_offset = resolution.direction_offset();
    let unused_bits = (1 << unused_end_offset) - 1;

    bits | unused_bits

/// Returns the direction bits of the first non-center direction from an H3
/// index.
pub fn first_axe(bits: u64) -> Option<NonZeroU8> {
    const PREFIX_LENGTH: u32 = DIRECTIONS_MASK.leading_zeros();

    let resolution = get_resolution(bits);
    // No direction at res 0 (only base cell), thus no non-zero direction.
    if resolution == Resolution::Zero {
        return None;

    // Ignore the `0` from the hidden bits (hence `- PREFIX_LENGTH`).
    let bit_index = (bits & DIRECTIONS_MASK).leading_zeros() - PREFIX_LENGTH;

    // +1 because the first direction is at resolution 1, not 0.
    #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] // Values are in range.
    let resolution = cmp::min(
        ((bit_index / DIRECTION_BITSIZE as u32) + 1) as u8,

    NonZeroU8::new(get_direction(bits, Resolution::new_unchecked(resolution)))

/// Returns a cell rotated `count` time, by 60 degrees step.
pub fn rotate60<const CCW: bool>(mut bits: u64, count: usize) -> u64 {
    // Using specialization (through `rotate60_once`) actually pays off.
    if count == 1 {
        for resolution in
            Resolution::range(Resolution::One, get_resolution(bits))
            let direction =
                Direction::new_unchecked(get_direction(bits, resolution));

            bits = set_direction(
    } else {
        for resolution in
            Resolution::range(Resolution::One, get_resolution(bits))
            let direction =
                Direction::new_unchecked(get_direction(bits, resolution));

            bits = set_direction(


/// Returns a pentagonal cell rotated `count` time, by 60 degrees step.
pub fn pentagon_rotate60<const CCW: bool>(mut bits: u64) -> u64 {
    let res = get_resolution(bits);
    if res == Resolution::Zero {
        return bits;

    // Direction that would be rotated to the K axe (and thus require an
    // adjustment).
    let direction = if CCW { Direction::JK } else { Direction::IK }.axe();

    // Using specialization (through `rotate60_once`) actually pays off.
    if first_axe(bits) == direction {
        for resolution in Resolution::range(Resolution::One, res) {
            let direction =
                Direction::new_unchecked(get_direction(bits, resolution));

            bits = set_direction(
    } else {
        for resolution in Resolution::range(Resolution::One, res) {
            let direction =
                Direction::new_unchecked(get_direction(bits, resolution));

            bits = set_direction(


/// Set the directions of a cell index (in-place) from finest resolution up.
/// IJK coordinates are adjusted during the traversal so that, at the end, they
/// should match the IJK of the base cell in the coordinate system of the
/// current base cell.
/// Returns the adjusted `IJK` coordinates.
#[allow(clippy::inline_always)] // 4-5% boost, up to 13% at resolution 1.
pub fn directions_bits_from_ijk(
    mut ijk: CoordIJK,
    bits: &mut u64,
    resolution: Resolution,
) -> CoordIJK {
    for res in Resolution::range(Resolution::One, resolution).rev() {
        let last_ijk = ijk;
        let last_center = if res.is_class3() {
            // Rotate CCW.
            ijk = ijk.up_aperture7::<{ CCW }>();
            ijk.down_aperture7::<{ CCW }>()
        } else {
            // Rotate CW.
            ijk = ijk.up_aperture7::<{ CW }>();
            ijk.down_aperture7::<{ CW }>()

        let diff = (last_ijk - last_center).normalize();
        let direction = Direction::try_from(diff).expect("unit IJK coordinate");
        // SAFETY: `res` is in [resolution; 1], thus valid.
        *bits = set_direction(*bits, direction.into(), res);


#[path = "./bits_tests.rs"]
mod tests;