h3o 0.3.0

A Rust implementation of the H3 geospatial indexing system.
use crate::{
    geom::{Polygon, ToCells},
    CellIndex, Resolution,
use std::boxed::Box;

/// An axis-aligned bounded 2D rectangle whose area is defined by minimum and
/// maximum [`geo::Coord`]s.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Rect<'a>(Polygon<'a>);

impl Rect<'_> {
    /// Initialize a new rectangle from a rect whose coordinates are in radians.
    /// # Errors
    /// [`InvalidGeometry`] if the rectangle is invalid (e.g. contains
    /// non-finite coordinates).
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use h3o::geom::Rect;
    /// let rect = geo::Rect::new(
    ///    geo::coord! { x: 1.808355449236779, y: 0.02086683484240935 },
    ///    geo::coord! { x: 1.816212429233187, y: 0.02571835428268519 },
    /// );
    /// let rect = Rect::from_radians(rect)?;
    /// # Ok::<(), h3o::error::InvalidGeometry>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn from_radians(rect: geo::Rect<f64>) -> Result<Self, InvalidGeometry> {

    /// Initialize a new rectangle from a rect whose coordinates are in degrees.
    /// # Errors
    /// [`InvalidGeometry`] if the rectangle is invalid (e.g. contains
    /// non-finite coordinates).
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use h3o::geom::Rect;
    /// let rect = geo::Rect::new(
    ///    geo::coord! { x: 103.61113510075143, y: 1.19558156826659 },
    ///    geo::coord! { x: 104.0613068942643,  y: 1.473553156420067 },
    /// );
    /// let rect = Rect::from_degrees(rect)?;
    /// # Ok::<(), h3o::error::InvalidGeometry>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn from_degrees(rect: geo::Rect<f64>) -> Result<Self, InvalidGeometry> {

impl From<Rect<'_>> for geo::Rect<f64> {
    fn from(value: Rect<'_>) -> Self {

impl ToCells for Rect<'_> {
    fn max_cells_count(&self, resolution: Resolution) -> usize {

    fn to_cells(
        resolution: Resolution,
    ) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = CellIndex> + '_> {