h2n5 0.1.1

HTTP 2 N5: Serve N5 datasets over HTTP as tiled image stacks
h2n5-0.1.1 is not a library.

H2N5 Build Status

H2N5 is:

  • An Australian strain of avian flu
  • [(E)-Hydrazinylidenehydrazinylidene]azanide
  • HTTP 2 N5: A simple program to serve N5 datasets over HTTP as tiled image stacks

Quick start

cargo install h2n5
h2n5 path/to/my.n5

Tile URLs are constructed as:

http://[bind_address]:[port]/tile/[n5_dataset]/[slicing_dims]/[tile_size]/[coordinates].[format]?[query parameters]

For example, the URL:

Will slice a 512 px by 256 px tile from the group/dataset dataset along axes 0 (as tile X) and 1 (as tile Y), respectively. The returned tile will start at voxel coordinates [1, 2, 3], be encoded as JPEG, with a quality of 80.

For more options, see the command line help:

h2n5 -h


  • PNG (png) and JPEG (jpg|jpeg) encoding formats are supported.
  • Currently, only UINT8 and UINT16 (PNG only) N5 data types are supported.
  • Currently, only grayscale tiles are returned (by slicing remaining dimensions as singletons). Slicing a third dimension for RGB(A) channels (e.g., slicing_dims as 0_1_4) will be supported, and is currently parsed correctly, but not yet implemented for tile encoding.


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