h2 0.1.5

An HTTP/2.0 client and server
# 0.1.5 (April 6, 2018)

* Fix the `last_stream_id` sent during graceful GOAWAY (#254).

# 0.1.4 (April 5, 2018)

* Add `initial_connection_window_size` to client and server `Builder`s (#249).
* Add `graceful_shutdown` and `abrupt_shutdown` to `server::Connection`,
  deprecating `close_connection` (#250).

# 0.1.3 (March 28, 2018)

* Allow configuring max streams before the peer's settings frame is
  received (#242).
* Fix HPACK decoding bug with regards to large literals (#244).
* Fix state transition bug triggered by receiving a RST_STREAM frame (#247).

# 0.1.2 (March 13, 2018)

* Fix another bug relating to resetting connections and reaching
  max concurrency (#238).

# 0.1.1 (March 8, 2018)

* When streams are dropped, close the connection (#222).
* Notify send tasks on connection error (#231).
* Fix bug relating to resetting connections and reaching max concurrency (#235).
* Normalize HTTP request path to satisfy HTTP/2.0 specification (#228).
* Update internal dependencies.

# 0.1.0 (Jan 12, 2018)

* Initial release