Function gvr_sys::gvr_controller_state_update [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn gvr_controller_state_update(
    api: *mut gvr_controller_context,
    flags: i32,
    out_state: *mut gvr_controller_state

Updates the controller state. Reading the controller state is not a const getter: it has side-effects. In particular, some of the gvr_controller_state fields (the ones documented as "transient") represent one-time events and will be true for only one read operation, and false in subsequent reads.

@param api Pointer to a gvr_controller_context. @param flags Optional flags reserved for future use. A value of 0 should be used until corresponding flag attributes are defined and documented. @param out_state A pointer where the controller's state is to be written. This must have been allocated with gvr_controller_state_create().