[][src]Crate gurufocus_api

GuruFocus API

This project provides a set of functions to receive data from the the guru focus website via the GuruFocus API.


Please note that you need at least a premium account to use this API. There a couple of examples demonstrating how to use the API in your own rust projects. To run this example, you first need to define an environment variable holding the user Token you got from GuruFocus:

export GURUFOCUS_TOKEN='<your user token>'

The examples can be executed via the command

cargo test --example <name of example>

Here, <name of example> could be the name of any of the files in the examples folder without the .rs extension Please note that running any of the examples increases your API access counter by at least 1.

The GuruFocus API provides all data in JSON format, and the basic API functions currently will just return these JSON structures as serde_json::Value types without any further processing. The serde_json::Value types can be deserialized into more meaningful data structures, as is demonstrated in the gurulist example.

The GuruFocus API returns numbers sometimes as numbers, sometimes as strings. It is planed to implement write custom containers with specialized deserialization, but this is still work in progress.

Please note that the library is not yet stable and that the user interface is still subject to change. However, feedback regarding the usability and suggestions for improving the interface are welcome.


pub use gurus::*;
pub use stock::*;



Special types for dealing with Gurus.


Special types for dealing with Stocks.



Container for connection parameters to gurufocus server.