guidon 0.4.1

Library to initialize project from templates
## guidon

guidon performs templating based on [handlebars]( templating system.

### Usage
Files to be handles needs to have an `.hbs` extension. Folders and files names can be templatized too : `{{folder/subfolder}}`
The entry point is the [Guidon](struct.Guidon.html) structure.

### Basic init

 let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("path/to/template/dir"));
 let mut vars = BTreeMap::new();
 vars.insert("key1".to_string(), "value1".to_string());

With this initialization:
* guidon will use the vars map to find substitution values.
* guidon will parse the directory `path/to/template/dir/template`
* the result will be written in `path/to/destination`

### TryNew init
guidon implements a TryNew trait to initialize from a dir or a git repo

#### TryNew from path
let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new("path/to/template/dir").unwrap();
With this initialization:
* guidon will init the substitution variables from `path/to/template/dir/variables.toml`
* guidon will parse the directory `path/to/template/dir/template`

let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new("path/to/template/dir/my_vars.toml").unwrap();
With this initialization:
* guidon will init the substitution variables from `path/to/template/dir/my_vars.toml`
* guidon will parse the directory `path/to/template/dir`

#### TryNew from CustomTemplate
Guidon can be provided with specific template file and directory to parse.
let custom = CustomTemplate {
    dir_path: Path::new("path/to/template/dir"),
    template_path: Path::new("path/to/my_vars.toml")
let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new(custom);

#### TryNew from git repo
let git = GitOptions::builder()
let mut guidon = Guidon::try_new(git);
With this initialization
* guidon will clone the repo to a temporary directory
* guidon will init the substitutions variables from `tmp/dir/template.toml`
* when applying template, guidon will parse the directory `tmp/dir/template`

The git repo url could be in the form :
* `http[s]://[user[:password]]@uri/repo[.git]` where *user* and *password* must be part of the url
* `git@uri:repo.git`. The key used must be loaded in an *ssh-agent* instance

### Template variables
The configuration file is structured as follows :
# Key value pairs for template substitution
test1 = "test 1"
test2 = "test 2"

### Helpers
* `replace`. It's simply replace a string by another in the value.
`Tell me: {{replace my_var everybody world}}` with `my_var="Hello everybody !`
will render as
`Tell me: Hello world !`.
* `append`. Simply append a string to the value.
`Tell me: {{append my_var "and everybody !"}}` with `my_var="Hello world"`
will render as
`Tell me: Hello world and everybody !`.
* `prepend`. Prepend a string to the value.
`Tell me: {{prepend my_var "Sure, "}}` with `my_var="hello world"`
will render as
`Tell me: Sure, hello world`.
* `up`: Uppercase the value
* `low`: Lowercase the value
* `default`: default to given value if input is null or empty
`Tell me: {{default my_var "Oops"}}` with `my_var` not defined
will render as
`Tell me: Oops`
* `encrypt`: Encrypt the data. The key must be provided
* `decrypt`: Decrypt the data

> *encrypt* and *decrypt* helpers are provide with the `crypto` feature.

### Callbacks
guidon offers the possiblity to provide two callbacks :
* a variables callback to operate on the variables before applying the template
* a render callback, which is called if a missing value is detected while rendering the template.

These callbacks could be use for user interaction, or default behaviour.

#### Variable callback
In this example, the callback will add `" cb"` to every value.
let cb = |h: &mut BTreeMap<String, String>| {
        h.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, v)|  *v +=" cb");
let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("template/path"));
#### Render callback
In this example, the callback will replace any missing value by the key concatenated with `"-cb"`
// this callback will add `-cb` to the key as a value
let cb = |h: String| {
        let mut s = h.clone();
let mut guidon = Guidon::new(PathBuf::from("template/path"));

### File and Directory names
Filnames and directory can also be templatized.
`Super-{{my_var}}-content.txt` will render as `Super-boring-content.txt` given `my_var="boring"`.
If the content of the file is templatized, we have `Super-{{my_var}}-content.txt.hbs`.//!

### Logs
guidon uses the log facade.

# License

This project is licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]../LICENSE-APACHE or
 * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT]../LICENSE-MIT or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in guidon by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

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