gui 0.3.0

A generic UI library/framework.
- Made `Handleable` trait generic over the event type to use
  - Made `UiEvent` and `UnhandledEvent` generic over the underlying event
- Split `Cap` trait into `Cap` and `MutCap` with all methods requiring
  a mutable self ending up in `MutCap`
- Require `Debug` implementation for `Cap`, `MutCap`, `Handleable`, and
- Added `TypeId` functionality to `Renderable`
- Adjusted event hook function signature to take event to use by
- Removed `Event` and `Key` types
- Introduced 'derive' feature pulling in and re-exporting the custom
  derive functionality provided by `gui-derive`

- Adjusted crate to use Rust Edition 2018
- Removed `#![deny(warnings)]` attribute and demoted lints prone to
  future changes from `deny` to `warn`
- Enabled CI pipeline comprising building, testing, and linting of the
- Added badges indicating pipeline status, current `` published
  version of the crate, current `` published version of the
  documentation, and minimum version of `rustc` required
- Added categories to `Cargo.toml`

- Usage of event hooks no longer induces an unnecessary clone of a
  `HashSet` every time an event is handled
- Hook emitted events are now delivered to the destination widget after
  the source event was delivered
  - Order was left unspecified beforehand, but was happening in reverse
    (i.e., hook emitted events arrived before the source event did)
- Enabled Rust 2018 edition lints
- Enabled `unused-results` lint

- Moved `Custom` event variant from `gui::Event` into `gui::UiEvent` and
  renamed former `gui::UiEvent::Custom` into `gui::UiEvent::Directed`
- Adjusted signature of event hook functions to take event by value, not
  reference (made possible because `gui::Event` is now copyable)
- Added support for "returnable" events, i.e., a variant of a custom
  event that is guaranteed to be returned to the sending widget (after
  potential modification by the destination widget)
  - Handling of custom events changed to using two new methods in the
    `Handleable` trait: `handle_custom` and `handle_custom_ref`
- Introduced new event type for unhandled events: `UnhandledEvent`
  - Changed return type of `Ui::handle` from `Option<MetaEvent>` to
- Renamed `MetaEvent` to `UiEvents`

- Added link to `` based documentation to README

- Initial release