guard 0.3.1

Macro implementation of RFC 1303: a guard-let-else statement a la Swift
# guard

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This crate exports a macro which implements most of [RFC 1303]( (a "let-else" or "guard" expression as you can find in Swift).

The syntax proposed in the RFC was `if !let PAT = EXPR { BODY }` or `let PAT = EXPR else { BODY }` (where `BODY` _must_ diverge). This macro understands the latter syntax, as well as a variation proposed in the RFC with the `else` clause in the middle.

## Examples

#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(stmt_expr_attributes)]
#[macro_use] extern crate guard;
use std::env;

fn main() {
    // read configuration from a certain environment variable
    // do nothing if the variable is missing
    guard!(let Ok(foo) = env::var("FOO") else { return });

    println!("FOO = {}", foo);

## Cargo features

- `nightly` enables nightly tests and uses expression attributes in the expansion (see [RFC 16](

  Requires `#![feature(stmt_expr_attributes)]` in the client crate.

  Without this feature enabled, you will get two `unreachable_code` warnings on each invocation of the macro when using a nightly compiler.
- `debug` enables `trace_macros` for debugging. Requires a nightly compiler (but not this crate's `nightly` feature).

## How it works

It's difficult to implement this behavior as a macro, because a `let` statement must be created in the enclosing scope. Besides that, it is desirable to avoid the necessity of repeating the identifiers bound by the pattern. The strategy used here is to scan the pattern for identifiers, and use that to construct a top-level `let` statement which internally uses a `match` to apply the pattern. This scanning is _almost_ possible -- see limitations #1 and #2 below.

This strategy also means that `PAT` needs to be input to the macro as an unparsed sequence of token trees. There are two ways to take an unbounded sequence of token trees as input without causing ambiguity errors: put the token trees at the end (my current choice) or enclose them in brackets. Originally, this choice resulted in a backwards invocation syntax. Since version 0.2.0, more convenient syntaxes are supported by adopting a two-pass parsing strategy: the macro essentially takes its entire input as a sequence of tokens, splits on `=` and `else`, then parses the results again.

There are a number of subtleties in the expansion to avoid various warning and pitfalls; see the macro source for more details.

## Limitations

1. Expressions in the pattern are _not_ supported. This is a limitation of the current Rust macro system -- I'd like to say "parse an identifier in this position, but if that fails try parsing an expression" but this is is impossible; I can only test for _specific_ identifiers. It's easy to get around this restriction: use a pattern guard (as in `match`) instead.
2. Empty, un-namespaced enum variants and structs cause the expansion to fail, because the macro thinks they are identifiers. It's possible to get around this as well, though an open PR is aiming to take away the easiest workaround:
    - For empty enum variants, use `Empty(..)` until [#29383]( turns into an error, after that include the enum name as in `Enum::Empty`. (For now you will get a warning.)
    - For unit-like structs, use `Empty(..)` until [#29383]( turns into an error, after that namespace it as in `namespace::Empty`, or use `Empty{}` (requires `#![feature(braced_empty_structs)]`). (For now you will get a warning.)
    - Of course you can also use a path to reference the variant or struct, though this may be impossible (if it's local to a function/block) or inconvenient (if it was imported from another module or crate).
3. `PAT` cannot be irrefutable. This is the same behavior as `if let` and `match`, and it's useless to write a guard with an irrefutable pattern anyway (you can just use `let`), so this shouldn't be an issue. This is slightly more annoying than it could be due to limitation #1. Nonetheless, if [#14252]( is ever fixed, irrefutable patterns could be allowed by inserting a no-op pattern guard into the expansion.