gtk4-macros 0.7.2

Macros helpers for GTK 4 bindings
# gtk4-macros

[Project site](

Macro helpers for GTK 4 bindings, part of [gtk4-rs](

## Minimum supported Rust version

Currently, the minimum supported Rust version is `1.70`.

## Documentation

- The Rust API [Stable][Development]

## Available Macros

- `CompositeTemplate`

### Features

| Feature | Description |
| ---     | ----------- |
| `xml_validation` | Check the existence of `#[template_child]` fields in the UI file. Only works with `#[template(string = "")]` |
| `blueprint` | Adds blueprint usage support in `#[template(string = "")]` |

### See Also

- [glib]
- [gio]
- [gtk4]
- [gdk4]
- [gtk4]

## License

The Rust bindings of __gtk4-macros__ are available under the MIT License, please refer to it.