grr 0.6.0

Bare metal OpenGL 4.5+ wrapper
<img align="left" src="info/grr_logo.png" width="196"/>

# grr!

##### A bare metal library for OpenGL 4.5+



grr = "0.6"

`grr` aims at providing a thin layer above OpenGL 4.5+, exposing a modern API orientated on Vulkan.
The sole purpose of the library is to have a cleaned up API for **fast prototyping**.

## Features

- API is built around **direct state access**
- Following Vulkan terminology and function names
- Only provided latest GL functionality
- Enforce sRGB framebuffer handling

## Getting started

Checkout our [Hello Triangle]( example to see the library in action!

## Example

// Bind graphics pipeline (shaders)
// Configure vertex attributes
// Bind vertex buffers for fetching attribute data
    &[grr::VertexBufferView {
        buffer: &triangle_data,
        offset: 0,
        stride: (std::mem::size_of::<f32>() * 5) as _,
        input_rate: grr::InputRate::Vertex,

// Clear default framebuffer
grr.clear_attachment(grr::Framebuffer::DEFAULT, grr::ClearAttachment::ColorFloat(0, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]));
// Draw triangles
grr.draw(grr::Primitive::Triangles, 0..3, 0..1);

// Present on screen!

## Examples

#### Hello Triangle

cargo run --example triangle

#### Device Information

cargo run --example device

#### Texture (Logo)

cargo run --example texture

#### (Maybe-)Physically-based Rendering (IBL)

<h1 align="center">
<img src="info/examples/pbr.png"/>

Assets (model and HDRI) need to be extracted into `examples/assets` before running it!

cargo run --example pbr --release

* Example ported from/based on the PBR tutorial from (CC BY-NC 4.0).
* `Cerberus` model by Andrew Maximov (
* `Popcorn Lobby` HDRI from sIBL Archive (