grpcio 0.4.1

The rust language implementation of gRPC, base on the gRPC c core library.
# gRPC-rs

`gRPC-rs` is a Rust wrapper of [gRPC Core]( [gRPC]( is a high performance, open source universal RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.

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## Status

This project is still under development. The following features with the check marks are supported:

- [x] Basic asynchronous unary/steaming call
- [x] SSL
- [x] Generic call
- [x] Connection level compression
- [x] Interoperability test
- [x] QPS benchmark
- [ ] Custom metadata
- [x] Health check
- [ ] Reflection
- [ ] Authentication
- [ ] Load balance

## Prerequisites

- CMake >= 3.8.0
- Rust >= 1.19.0
- By default, the [secure feature]#feature-secure is enabled, therefore Go (>=1.7) is required.

For Linux and MacOS, you also need to install gcc (or clang) too.

For Windows, you also need to install following software:

- Active State Perl
- yasm
- Visual Studio 2015+

## Build

$ git submodule update --init --recursive # if you just cloned the repository
$ cargo build

## Usage

To generate the sources from proto files:

### Option 1 - Manual Generation

1. Install the protobuf compiler:

$ cargo install protobuf-codegen

2. Install the gRPC compiler:

$ cargo install grpcio-compiler

3. Generate the sources:

$ protoc --rust_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_rust_plugin` example.proto

### Option 2 - Programmatic Generation

Programmatic generation can be used to generate Rust modules from proto files
via your `` by using [protoc-grpcio](

For more information and examples see

To include this project as a dependency:

grpcio = "0.4"

### Feature `secure`

`secure` feature enables support for TLS encryption and some authentication
mechanism. When you do not need it, for example when working in intranet,
you can disable it by using the following configuration:
grpcio = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["protobuf-codec"] }

## Performance

See [benchmark]( to find out how to run a benchmark by yourself.