grpcio 0.2.1

The rust language implementation of gRPC, base on the gRPC c core library.
# gRPC-rs

`gRPC-rs` is a Rust wrapper of [gRPC Core]( [gRPC]( is a high performance, open source universal RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.

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This project is still under development. The following features with the check marks are supported:

- [x] Basic asynchronous unary/steaming call 
- [x] SSL
- [x] Generic call
- [x] Connection level compression
- [x] Interoperability test
- [x] QPS benchmark
- [ ] Custom metadata
- [x] Health check
- [ ] Reflection
- [ ] Authentication
- [ ] Load balance


- CMake >= 3.8.0
- Rust >= 1.19.0
- If you want to enable secure feature, Go (>=1.7) is required.

For Linux and MacOS, you also need to install gcc (or clang) too.

For Windows, you also need to install following software:

- Active State Perl 
- yasm
- Visual Studio 2015+


$ cargo build


To generate the sources from proto files:

Option 1 - Manual Generation

1. Install the protobuf compiler:

$ cargo install protobuf

2. Install the gRPC compiler:

$ cargo install grpcio-compiler

3. Generate the sources:

$ protoc --rust_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_rust_plugin` example.proto

To include this project as a dependency:

grpcio = "0.2"

Option 2 - Programmatic Generation

Programmatic generation can be used to generate Rust modules from proto files
via your `` by using [protoc-grpcio](

For more information and examples see the

See [benchmark]( to find out how to run a benchmark by yourself.