growth-ring 0.1.7

Simple and modular write-ahead-logging implementation.
#[cfg(test)] mod common;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;

fn _multi_point_failure(
    sims: &[common::PaintingSim],
    state: &common::WALStoreEmulState,
    f: usize,
) {
    let sim = &sims[0];
    // save the current state and start from there
    let mut state = state.clone();
    let mut state0 = state.clone();
    let nticks = sim.get_nticks(&mut state0);
    println!("fail = {}, nticks = {}", f, nticks);
    for i in 0..nticks {
        println!("fail = {}, pos = {}", f, i);
        let mut canvas = sim.new_canvas();
        let mut ops: Vec<common::PaintStrokes> = Vec::new();
        let mut ringid_map = HashMap::new();
        let fgen = common::SingleFailGen::new(i);
        if sim
                &mut state,
                &mut canvas,
                &mut ops,
                &mut ringid_map,
            if sims.len() > 1 {
                _multi_point_failure(&sims[1..], &state, f + 1)
            } else {
                    &mut state,
                    &mut canvas,

fn multi_point_failure(sims: &[common::PaintingSim]) {
    _multi_point_failure(sims, &common::WALStoreEmulState::new(), 1);

fn single_point_failure1() {
    let sim = common::PaintingSim {
        block_nbit: 5,
        file_nbit: 6,
        file_cache: 1000,
        n: 100,
        m: 10,
        k: 1000,
        csize: 1000,
        stroke_max_len: 10,
        stroke_max_col: 256,
        stroke_max_n: 5,
        seed: 0,

fn two_failures() {
    let sims = [
        common::PaintingSim {
            block_nbit: 5,
            file_nbit: 6,
            file_cache: 1000,
            n: 10,
            m: 5,
            k: 100,
            csize: 1000,
            stroke_max_len: 10,
            stroke_max_col: 256,
            stroke_max_n: 3,
            seed: 0,
        common::PaintingSim {
            block_nbit: 5,
            file_nbit: 6,
            file_cache: 1000,
            n: 10,
            m: 5,
            k: 100,
            csize: 1000,
            stroke_max_len: 10,
            stroke_max_col: 256,
            stroke_max_n: 3,
            seed: 0,