grm 0.7.5

Manage multiple git repositories. You configure the git repositories in a file, the program does the rest!
//! This handles worktrees for repositories. Some considerations to take care
//! of:
//! * Which branch to check out / create
//! * Which commit to check out
//! * Whether to track a remote branch, and which
//! There are a general rules. The main goal is to do the least surprising thing
//! in each situation, and to never change existing setups (e.g. tracking,
//! branch states) except when explicitly told to. In 99% of all cases, the
//! workflow will be quite straightforward.
//! * The name of the worktree (and therefore the path) is **always** the same
//!   as the name of the branch.
//! * Never modify existing local branches
//! * Only modify tracking branches for existing local branches if explicitly
//!   requested
//! * By default, do not do remote operations. This means that we do no do any
//!   tracking setup (but of course, the local branch can already have a
//!   tracking branch set up, which will just be left alone)
//! * Be quite lax with finding a remote tracking branch (as using an existing
//!   branch is most likely preferred to creating a new branch)
//! There are a few different options that can be given:
//! * Explicit track (`--track`) and explicit no-track (`--no-track`)
//! * A configuration may specify to enable tracking a remote branch by default
//! * A configuration may specify a prefix for remote branches
//! # How to handle the local branch?
//! That one is easy: If a branch with the desired name already exists, all is
//! well. If not, we create a new one.
//! # Which commit should be checked out?
//! The most imporant rule: If the local branch already existed, just leave it
//! as it is. Only if a new branch is created do we need to answer the question
//! which commit to set it to. Generally, we set the branch to whatever the
//! "default" branch of the repository is (something like "main" or "master").
//! But there are a few cases where we can use remote branches to make the
//! result less surprising.
//! First, if tracking is explicitly disabled, we still try to guess! But we
//! *do* ignore `--track`, as this is how it's done everywhere else.
//! As an example: If `origin/foobar` exists and we run `grm worktree add foobar
//! --no-track`, we create a new worktree called `foobar` that's on the same
//! state as `origin/foobar` (but we will not set up tracking, see below).
//! If tracking is explicitly requested to a certain state, we use that remote
//! branch. If it exists, easy. If not, no more guessing!
//! Now, it's important to select the correct remote. In the easiest case, there
//! is only one remote, so we just use that one. If there is more than one
//! remote, we check whether there is a default remote configured via
//! `track.default_remote`. If yes, we use that one. If not, we have to do the
//! selection process below *for each of them*.  If only one of them returns
//! some branch to track, we use that one. If more than one remote returns
//! information, we only use it if it's identical for each. Otherwise we bail,
//! as there is no point in guessing.
//! The commit selection process looks like this:
//! * If a prefix is specified in the configuration, we look for
//!   `{remote}/{prefix}/{worktree_name}`
//! * We look for `{remote}/{worktree_name}` (yes, this means that even when a
//!   prefix is configured, we use a branch *without* a prefix if one with
//!   prefix does not exist)
//! Note that we may select different branches for different remotes when
//! prefixes is used. If remote1 has a branch with a prefix and remote2 only has
//! a branch *without* a prefix, we select them both when a prefix is used. This
//! could lead to the following situation:
//! * There is `origin/prefix/foobar` and `remote2/foobar`, with different
//!   states
//! * You set `track.default_prefix = "prefix"` (and no default remote!)
//! * You run `grm worktree add `prefix/foobar`
//! * Instead of just picking `origin/prefix/foobar`, grm will complain because
//!   it also selected `remote2/foobar`.
//! This is just emergent behavior of the logic above. Fixing it would require
//! additional logic for that edge case. I assume that it's just so rare to get
//! that behavior that it's acceptable for now.
//! Now we either have a commit, we aborted, or we do not have commit. In the
//! last case, as stated above, we check out the "default" branch.
//! # The remote tracking branch
//! First, the only remote operations we do is branch creation! It's
//! unfortunately not possible to defer remote branch creation until the first
//! `git push`, which would be ideal. The remote tracking branch has to already
//! exist, so we have to do the equivalent of `git push --set-upstream` during
//! worktree creation.
//! Whether (and which) remote branch to track works like this:
//! * If `--no-track` is given, we never track a remote branch, except when
//!   branch already has a tracking branch. So we'd be done already!
//! * If `--track` is given, we always track this branch, regardless of anything
//!   else. If the branch exists, cool, otherwise we create it.
//! If neither is given, we only set up tracking if requested in the
//! configuration file (`track.default = true`)
//! The rest of the process is similar to the commit selection above. The only
//! difference is the remote selection.  If there is only one, we use it, as
//! before. Otherwise, we try to use `default_remote` from the configuration, if
//! available.  If not, we do not set up a remote tracking branch. It works like
//! this:
//! * If a prefix is specified in the configuration, we use
//!   `{remote}/{prefix}/{worktree_name}`
//! * If no prefix is specified in the configuration, we use
//!   `{remote}/{worktree_name}`
//! Now that we have a remote, we use the same process as above:
//! * If a prefix is specified in the configuration, we use for
//!   `{remote}/{prefix}/{worktree_name}`
//! * We use for `{remote}/{worktree_name}`
//! ---
//! All this means that in some weird situation, you may end up with the state
//! of a remote branch while not actually tracking that branch. This can only
//! happen in repositories with more than one remote. Imagine the following:
//! The repository has two remotes (`remote1` and `remote2`) which have the
//! exact same remote state. But there is no `default_remote` in the
//! configuration (or no configuration at all). There is a remote branch
//! `foobar`. As both `remote1/foobar` and `remote2/foobar` as the same, the new
//! worktree will use that as the state of the new branch. But as `grm` cannot
//! tell which remote branch to track, it will not set up remote tracking. This
//! behavior may be a bit confusing, but first, there is no good way to resolve
//! this, and second, the situation should be really rare (when having multiple
//! remotes, you would generally have a `default_remote` configured).
//! # Implementation
//! To reduce the chance of bugs, the implementation uses the [typestate
//! pattern]( Here are the states we
//! are moving through linearily:
//! * Init
//! * A local branch name is set
//! * A local commit to set the new branch to is selected
//! * A remote tracking branch is selected
//! * The new branch is created with all the required settings
//! Don't worry about the lifetime stuff: There is only one single lifetime, as
//! everything (branches, commits) is derived from the single repo::Repo
//! instance
//! # Testing
//! There are two types of input to the tests:
//! 1) The parameters passed to `grm`, either via command line or via
//!    configuration file
//! 2) The circumstances in the repository and remotes
//! ## Parameters
//! * The name of the worktree
//!   * Whether it contains slashes or not
//!   * Whether it is invalid
//! * `--track` and `--no-track`
//! * Whether there is a configuration file and what it contains
//!   * Whether `track.default` is enabled or disabled
//!   * Whether `track.default_remote_prefix` is there or missing
//!   * Whether `track.default_remote` is there or missing
//!     * Whether that remote exists or not
//! ## Situations
//! ### The local branch
//! * Whether the branch already exists
//! * Whether the branch has a remote tracking branch and whether it differs
//!   from the desired tracking branch (i.e. `--track` or config)
//! ### Remotes
//! * How many remotes there are, if any
//! * If more than two remotes exist, whether their desired tracking branch
//!   differs
//! ### The remote tracking branch branch
//! * Whether a remote branch with the same name as the worktree exists
//! * Whether a remote branch with the same name as the worktree plus prefix
//!   exists
//! ## Outcomes
//! We have to check the following afterwards:
//! * Does the worktree exist in the correct location?
//! * Does the local branch have the same name as the worktree?
//! * Does the local branch have the correct commit?
//! * Does the local branch track the correct remote branch?
//! * Does that remote branch also exist?
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::path::Path;

// use super::output::*;
use super::repo;

pub const GIT_MAIN_WORKTREE_DIRECTORY: &str = ".git-main-working-tree";

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn invalid_worktree_names() {
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "/leadingslash", None, false).is_err());
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "trailingslash/", None, false).is_err());
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "//", None, false).is_err());
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "test//test", None, false).is_err());
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "test test", None, false).is_err());
        assert!(add_worktree(Path::new("/tmp/"), "test\ttest", None, false).is_err());

struct Init;

struct WithLocalBranchName<'a> {
    local_branch_name: String,
    /// Outer option: Is there a computed value?
    /// Inner option: Is there actually a branch?
    /// None => No computed value yet
    /// Some(None) => No branch
    /// Some(Some(_)) => Branch
    local_branch: RefCell<Option<Option<repo::Branch<'a>>>>,

struct WithLocalTargetSelected<'a> {
    local_branch_name: String,
    local_branch: Option<repo::Branch<'a>>,
    target_commit: Option<Box<repo::Commit<'a>>>,

struct WithRemoteTrackingBranch<'a> {
    local_branch_name: String,
    local_branch: Option<repo::Branch<'a>>,
    target_commit: Option<Box<repo::Commit<'a>>>,
    remote_tracking_branch: Option<(String, String)>,
    prefix: Option<String>,

struct Worktree<'a, S: WorktreeState> {
    repo: &'a repo::RepoHandle,
    extra: S,

impl<'a> WithLocalBranchName<'a> {
    fn new(name: String) -> Self {
        Self {
            local_branch_name: name,
            local_branch: RefCell::new(None),

trait WorktreeState {}

impl WorktreeState for Init {}
impl<'a> WorktreeState for WithLocalBranchName<'a> {}
impl<'a> WorktreeState for WithLocalTargetSelected<'a> {}
impl<'a> WorktreeState for WithRemoteTrackingBranch<'a> {}

impl<'a> Worktree<'a, Init> {
    fn new(repo: &'a repo::RepoHandle) -> Self {
        Self {
            extra: Init {},

    fn set_local_branch_name(self, name: &str) -> Worktree<'a, WithLocalBranchName<'a>> {
        Worktree::<WithLocalBranchName> {
            repo: self.repo,
            extra: WithLocalBranchName::new(name.to_string()),

impl<'a, 'b> Worktree<'a, WithLocalBranchName<'b>>
    'a: 'b,
    fn check_local_branch(&self) {
        let mut branchref = self.extra.local_branch.borrow_mut();
        if branchref.is_none() {
            let branch = self.repo.find_local_branch(&self.extra.local_branch_name);
            *branchref = Some(if let Ok(branch) = branch {
            } else {

    fn local_branch_already_exists(&self) -> bool {
        if let Some(branch) = &*self.extra.local_branch.borrow() {
            return branch.is_some();
        // As we just called `check_local_branch`, we can be sure that
        // `self.extra.local_branch` is set to some `Some` value

    fn select_commit(
        commit: Option<Box<repo::Commit<'b>>>,
    ) -> Worktree<'a, WithLocalTargetSelected<'b>> {

        Worktree::<'a, WithLocalTargetSelected> {
            repo: self.repo,
            extra: WithLocalTargetSelected::<'b> {
                local_branch_name: self.extra.local_branch_name,
                // As we just called `check_local_branch`, we can be sure that
                // `self.extra.local_branch` is set to some `Some` value
                local_branch: self.extra.local_branch.into_inner().unwrap(),
                target_commit: commit,

impl<'a> Worktree<'a, WithLocalTargetSelected<'a>> {
    fn set_remote_tracking_branch(
        branch: Option<(&str, &str)>,
        prefix: Option<&str>,
    ) -> Worktree<'a, WithRemoteTrackingBranch<'a>> {
        Worktree::<WithRemoteTrackingBranch> {
            repo: self.repo,
            extra: WithRemoteTrackingBranch {
                local_branch_name: self.extra.local_branch_name,
                local_branch: self.extra.local_branch,
                target_commit: self.extra.target_commit,
                remote_tracking_branch:|(s1, s2)| (s1.to_string(), s2.to_string())),
                prefix:|prefix| prefix.to_string()),

impl<'a> Worktree<'a, WithRemoteTrackingBranch<'a>> {
    fn create(self, directory: &Path) -> Result<Option<Vec<String>>, String> {
        let mut warnings: Vec<String> = vec![];

        let mut branch = if let Some(branch) = self.extra.local_branch {
        } else {
                // TECHDEBT
                // We must not call this with `Some()` without a valid target.
                // I'm sure this can be improved, just not sure how.

        if let Some((remote_name, remote_branch_name)) = self.extra.remote_tracking_branch {
            let remote_branch_with_prefix = if let Some(ref prefix) = self.extra.prefix {
                if let Ok(remote_branch) = self
                    .find_remote_branch(&remote_name, &format!("{prefix}/{remote_branch_name}"))
                } else {
            } else {

            let remote_branch_without_prefix = if let Ok(remote_branch) = self
                .find_remote_branch(&remote_name, &remote_branch_name)
            } else {

            let remote_branch = if let Some(ref _prefix) = self.extra.prefix {
            } else {

            match remote_branch {
                Some(remote_branch) => {
                    if branch.commit()?.id().hex_string()
                        != remote_branch.commit()?.id().hex_string()
                        warnings.push(format!("The local branch \"{}\" and the remote branch \"{}/{}\" differ. Make sure to push/pull afterwards!", &self.extra.local_branch_name, &remote_name, &remote_branch_name));

                    branch.set_upstream(&remote_name, &remote_branch.basename()?)?;
                None => {
                    let mut remote = match self.repo.find_remote(&remote_name)? {
                        Some(remote) => remote,
                        None => return Err(format!("Remote \"{remote_name}\" not found")),

                    if !remote.is_pushable()? {
                        return Err(format!(
                            "Cannot push to non-pushable remote \"{remote_name}\""

                    if let Some(prefix) = self.extra.prefix {
                            &format!("{}/{}", prefix, remote_branch_name),

                            &format!("{}/{}", prefix, remote_branch_name),
                    } else {

                        branch.set_upstream(&remote_name, &remote_branch_name)?;

        // We have to create subdirectories first, otherwise adding the worktree
        // will fail
        if self.extra.local_branch_name.contains('/') {
            let path = Path::new(&self.extra.local_branch_name);
            if let Some(base) = path.parent() {
                // This is a workaround of a bug in libgit2 (?)
                // When *not* doing this, we will receive an error from the `Repository::worktree()`
                // like this:
                // > failed to make directory '/{repo}/.git-main-working-tree/worktrees/dir/test
                // This is a discrepancy between the behavior of libgit2 and the
                // git CLI when creating worktrees with slashes:
                // The git CLI will create the worktree's configuration directory
                // inside {git_dir}/worktrees/{last_path_component}. Look at this:
                // ```
                // $ git worktree add 1/2/3 -b 1/2/3
                // $ ls .git/worktrees
                // 3
                // ```
                // Interesting: When adding a worktree with a different name but the
                // same final path component, git starts adding a counter suffix to
                // the worktree directories:
                // ```
                // $ git worktree add 1/3/3 -b 1/3/3
                // $ git worktree add 1/4/3 -b 1/4/3
                // $ ls .git/worktrees
                // 3
                // 31
                // 32
                // ```
                // I *guess* that the mapping back from the worktree directory under .git to the actual
                // worktree directory is done via the `gitdir` file inside `.git/worktrees/{worktree}.
                // This means that the actual directory would not matter. You can verify this by
                // just renaming it:
                // ```
                // $ mv .git/worktrees/3 .git/worktrees/foobar
                // $ git worktree list
                // /tmp/       fcc8a2a7 [master]
                // /tmp/1/2/3  fcc8a2a7 [1/2/3]
                // /tmp/1/3/3  fcc8a2a7 [1/3/3]
                // /tmp/1/4/3  fcc8a2a7 [1/4/3]
                // ```
                // => Still works
                // Anyway, libgit2 does not do this: It tries to create the worktree
                // directory inside .git with the exact name of the worktree, including
                // any slashes. It should be this code:
                // As a workaround, we can create the base directory manually for now.
                // Tracking upstream issue:
                .map_err(|error| error.to_string())?;
                std::fs::create_dir_all(base).map_err(|error| error.to_string())?;


        Ok(if warnings.is_empty() {
        } else {

/// A branch name must never start or end with a slash, and it cannot have two
/// consecutive slashes
fn validate_worktree_name(name: &str) -> Result<(), String> {
    if name.starts_with('/') || name.ends_with('/') {
        return Err(format!(
            "Invalid worktree name: {}. It cannot start or end with a slash",

    if name.contains("//") {
        return Err(format!(
            "Invalid worktree name: {}. It cannot contain two consecutive slashes",

    if name.contains(char::is_whitespace) {
        return Err(format!(
            "Invalid worktree name: {}. It cannot contain whitespace",


// Instead of opening the repo & reading configuration inside the function, it
// should be done by the caller and given as a parameter
pub fn add_worktree(
    directory: &Path,
    name: &str,
    track: Option<(&str, &str)>,
    no_track: bool,
) -> Result<Option<Vec<String>>, String> {
    let mut warnings: Vec<String> = vec![];


    let repo = repo::RepoHandle::open(directory, true).map_err(|error| match error.kind {
        repo::RepoErrorKind::NotFound => {
            String::from("Current directory does not contain a worktree setup")
        _ => format!("Error opening repo: {}", error),

    let remotes = &repo.remotes()?;

    let config = repo::read_worktree_root_config(directory)?;

    if repo.find_worktree(name).is_ok() {
        return Err(format!("Worktree {} already exists", &name));

    let track_config = config.and_then(|config| config.track);
    let prefix = track_config
        .and_then(|track| track.default_remote_prefix.as_ref());
    let enable_tracking = track_config.as_ref().map_or(false, |track| track.default);
    let default_remote = track_config
        .map(|track| track.default_remote.clone());

    // Note that we have to define all variables that borrow from `repo`
    // *first*, otherwise we'll receive "borrowed value does not live long
    // enough" errors. This is due to the `repo` reference inside `Worktree` that is
    // passed through each state type.
    // The `commit` variable will be dropped at the end of the scope, together with all
    // worktree variables. It will be done in the opposite direction of delcaration (FILO).
    // So if we define `commit` *after* the respective worktrees, it will be dropped first while
    // still being borrowed by `Worktree`.
    let default_branch_head = repo.default_branch()?.commit_owned()?;

    let worktree = Worktree::<Init>::new(&repo).set_local_branch_name(name);

    let get_remote_head = |remote_name: &str,
                           remote_branch_name: &str|
     -> Result<Option<Box<repo::Commit>>, String> {
        if let Ok(remote_branch) = repo.find_remote_branch(remote_name, remote_branch_name) {
        } else {

    let worktree = if worktree.local_branch_already_exists() {
    } else if let Some((remote_name, remote_branch_name)) = if no_track { None } else { track } {
        if let Ok(remote_branch) = repo.find_remote_branch(remote_name, remote_branch_name) {
        } else {
    } else {
        match remotes.len() {
            0 => worktree.select_commit(Some(Box::new(default_branch_head))),
            1 => {
                let remote_name = &remotes[0];
                let commit: Option<Box<repo::Commit>> = ({
                    if let Some(prefix) = prefix {
                        get_remote_head(remote_name, &format!("{prefix}/{name}"))?
                    } else {
                .or(get_remote_head(remote_name, name)?)
                .or_else(|| Some(Box::new(default_branch_head)));

            _ => {
                let commit = if let Some(ref default_remote) = default_remote {
                    if let Some(ref prefix) = prefix {
                        if let Ok(remote_branch) = repo
                            .find_remote_branch(default_remote, &format!("{prefix}/{name}"))
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if let Ok(remote_branch) =
                            repo.find_remote_branch(default_remote, name)
                        } else {
                } else {
                    let mut commits = vec![];
                    for remote_name in remotes.iter() {
                        let remote_head: Option<Box<repo::Commit>> = ({
                            if let Some(ref prefix) = prefix {
                                if let Ok(remote_branch) = repo.find_remote_branch(
                                ) {
                                } else {
                            } else {
                            if let Ok(remote_branch) =
                                repo.find_remote_branch(remote_name, name)
                            } else {

                    let mut commits = commits
                        // have to collect first because the `flatten()` return
                        // typedoes not implement `windows()`
                    // `flatten()` takes care of `None` values here. If all
                    // remotes return None for the branch, we do *not* abort, we
                    // continue!
                    if commits.is_empty() {
                    } else if commits.len() == 1 {
                    } else if|window| {
                        let c1 = &window[0];
                        let c2 = &window[1];
                        (*c1).id().hex_string() != (*c2).id().hex_string()
                    }) {
                            // TODO this should also include the branch
                            // name. BUT: the branch name may be different
                            // between the remotes. Let's just leave it
                            // until I get around to fix that inconsistency
                            // (see module-level doc about), which might be
                            // never, as it's such a rare edge case.
                            "Branch exists on multiple remotes, but they deviate. Selecting default branch instead".to_string()
                    } else {

    let worktree = if no_track {
        worktree.set_remote_tracking_branch(None,|s| s.as_str()))
    } else if let Some((remote_name, remote_branch_name)) = track {
            Some((remote_name, remote_branch_name)),
            None, // Always disable prefixing when explicitly given --track
    } else if !enable_tracking {
        worktree.set_remote_tracking_branch(None,|s| s.as_str()))
    } else {
        match remotes.len() {
            0 => worktree.set_remote_tracking_branch(None,|s| s.as_str())),
            1 => worktree
                .set_remote_tracking_branch(Some((&remotes[0], name)),|s| s.as_str())),
            _ => {
                if let Some(default_remote) = default_remote {
                        Some((&default_remote, name)),
              |s| s.as_str()),
                } else {
                    worktree.set_remote_tracking_branch(None,|s| s.as_str()))


    Ok(if warnings.is_empty() {
    } else {