gridiron 0.5.1

Rust finite field library with fixed size multi-word values.
name = "gridiron"
version = "0.5.1"
edition = "2018"
authors = ["IronCore Labs <code at>"]
repository = ""
description = "Rust finite field library with fixed size multi-word values."
exclude = [ ".gitignore", "proptest-regressions/*" ]
readme = ""
categories = ["cryptography", "wasm"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
keywords = ["finite", "field", "crypto", "math"]

num-traits = "~0.2"

opt-level = 2
debug = 2
debug-assertions = true
incremental = true
overflow-checks = true

proptest = "0.8.7"
rand = "~0.5"
criterion = "0.2"

unstable = []

opt-level = 3

name = "benchmark"
harness = false