Expand description

Protocol structs for Track and Trace state


Native representation of an AssociatedAgent

Builder used to create an AssociatedAgent

Native representation of a Property

Builder used to create a Property

Native representation of a list of Property objects

Builder used to create a list of Property objects

Native representation of a PropertyPage

Builder used to create a PropertyPage

Native representation of a list of PropertyPages

Builder used to create a list of PropertyPages

Native representation of a Proposal

Builder used to create a Proposal

Native representation of a list of Proposals

Builder used to create a list of Proposals

Native representation of a Record

Builder used to create a Record

Native representation of a list of Records

Builder used to create a list of Records

Native representation of a reported property value

Builder used to create a ReportedValue

Native representation of a Reporter

Builder used to create a Reporter


Possible Role values

Possible Proposal statuses