grcov 0.5.6

Rust tool to collect and aggregate code coverage data for multiple source files


Build Status Build status codecov

grcov collects and aggregates code coverage information for multiple source files.

This is a project initiated by Mozilla to gather code coverage results on Firefox.

Table of Contents


  1. Download grcov from or run cargo install grcov
  2. Run grcov:
    grcov [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <paths>...

        --branch                          Enables parsing branch coverage information
    -h, --help                            Prints help information
        --ignore-not-existing             Ignore source files that can't be found on the disk
        --llvm                            Speeds-up parsing, when the code coverage information is exclusively coming
                                          from a llvm build
    -V, --version                         Prints version information

        --commit-sha <COMMIT HASH>                   Sets the hash of the commit used to generate the code coverage data
        --filter <filter>
            Filters out covered/uncovered files. Use 'covered' to only return covered files, 'uncovered' to only return
            uncovered files [possible values: covered, uncovered]
        --ignore <PATH>...                           Ignore files/directories specified as globs
        --log <LOG>
            Set the file where to log (or stderr or stdout). Defaults to 'stderr' [default: stderr]

    -o, --output-file <FILE>                         Specifies the output file
    -t, --output-type <OUTPUT TYPE>
            Sets a custom output type [default: lcov]  [possible values: ade, lcov, coveralls, coveralls+, files,
            covdir, html]
        --path-mapping <PATH>...
    -p, --prefix-dir <PATH>
            Specifies a prefix to remove from the paths (e.g. if grcov is run on a different machine than the one that
            generated the code coverage information)
        --service-job-number <SERVICE JOB NUMBER>    Sets the service job number
        --service-name <SERVICE NAME>                Sets the service name
        --service-number <SERVICE NUMBER>            Sets the service number
    -s, --source-dir <DIRECTORY>                     Specifies the root directory of the source files
        --threads <NUMBER>                            [default: 16]
        --token <TOKEN>
            Sets the repository token from Coveralls, required for the 'coveralls' and 'coveralls+' formats

        --vcs-branch <VCS BRANCH>
            Set the branch for coveralls report. Defaults to 'master' [default: master]

    <paths>...    Sets the input paths to use

Let's see a few examples, assuming the source directory is ~/Documents/mozilla-central and the build directory is ~/Documents/mozilla-central/build.

LCOV output

grcov ~/Documents/mozilla-central/build -t lcov >

As the LCOV output is compatible with lcov, genhtml can be used to generate a HTML summary of the code coverage:

genhtml -o report/ --show-details --highlight --ignore-errors source --legend

Coveralls/Codecov output

grcov ~/Documents/FD/mozilla-central/build -t coveralls -s ~/Documents/FD/mozilla-central --token YOUR_COVERALLS_TOKEN > coveralls.json

grcov with Travis

Here is an example of .travis.yml file

language: rust

  - curl -L | tar jxf -

    - os: linux
      rust: nightly

    - export CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0
    - export RUSTFLAGS="-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Cinline-threshold=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zno-landing-pads"
    - cargo build --verbose $CARGO_OPTIONS
    - cargo test --verbose $CARGO_OPTIONS
    - |
      zip -0 `find . \( -name "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME*.gc*" \) -print`;
      ./grcov -s . -t lcov --llvm --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore "/*" -o;
      bash <(curl -s -f;


This project is using pre-commit. Please run pre-commit install to install the git pre-commit hooks on your clone. Instructions on how to install pre-commit can be found here.

Every time you will try to commit, pre-commit will run checks on your files to make sure they follow our style standards and they aren't affected by some simple issues. If the checks fail, pre-commit won't let you commit.

Build & Test

Build with:

cargo build

To run unit tests:

cargo test --lib

To run integration tests, it is suggested to use the Docker image defined in tests/Dockerfile. Simply build the image to run them:

docker build -t marcocas/grcov -f tests/Dockerfile .

Otherwise, if you don't want to use Docker, the only prerequisite is to install GCC 7, setting the GCC_CXX environment variable to g++-7 and the GCOV environment variable to gcov-7. Then run the tests with:

cargo test

Minimum requirements

  • GCC 4.9 or higher is required (if parsing coverage artifacts generated by GCC).


Published under the MPL 2.0 license.