graviton_backend 0.6.0

The Graviton backend which includes a stack based virtual machine which is now depreciated and a native backend using Cranelift
name = "graviton_backend"
version = "0.6.0"
authors = ["Ralakus <>"]
edition = "2018"

respository = ""
homepage = ""
description = "The Graviton backend which includes a stack based virtual machine which is now depreciated and a native backend using Cranelift"
license = "MIT"
readme = ""

store_names = []

graviton_core = { path = "../core", version = "0.6.0" }
graviton_ast  = { path = "../ast",  version = "0.6.0" }

serde = { version = "1.0.104", features = ["derive"] }
typetag = "0.1.4"

downcast-rs = "1.1.1"

cranelift = "0.56.0"
cranelift-module = "0.56.0"
cranelift-faerie = "0.56.0"
cranelift-native = "0.56.0"

crc16 = "0.4.0"