graviton 0.3.0

Tachyon is a fast programming language that is minimal and simplistic with a simple and easy to read compiler. Everything is an expression unless a semicolon is used `;` then it becomes a statement which gives a clear distinction between expressions and statements.

Graviton Programming language license build issues repo size code size

Build requirements

  • Rust nightly with cargo

How to build

  1. Run cargo build

What is Graviton?

Graviton is a fast programming language that is minimal and simplistic with a simple and easy to read compiler. Everything is an expression unless a semicolon is used ; then it becomes a statement which gives a clear distinction between expressions and statements.

How can follow the progress?

  • Follow it on Discord! There are also some other cool projects on this Discord like Wolf, FlukeWM, ModEngine, Lir Language, and more